The `sourceselect` parameter only affects recursive directory copies. For single files, you need multiple `file` resources, as in that case, only the first file will be copied. 

> Alternately, when serving directories recursively, multiple sources can be combined by setting the sourceselect attribute to all.


Your second problem is that you tell Puppet to ensure that the target is a directory. In that case, giving a source file doesn't make any sense - you can't save a file as a directory. You would need to set it to `file` or `present`. 


Re your comment: Something like this should work: 

        file { ['/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/']:
                ensure => "file",
                notify => Service['nrpe'],
                source => "puppet:///modules/mymodule/",

        file { ['/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/']:
                ensure => "file",
                notify => Service['nrpe'],
                source => "puppet:///modules/mymodule/",