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TCP packets being lost

I have some TCP packets being lost. I have monitored the interface with tcpdump pcap file - I noticed that when I lose packets I only get 5 ...
Ruby dev's user avatar
-1 votes
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SSH connection not established, but standard TCP/IP connection works

I'm working on a custom yocto Linux for a Raspberry PI 3 and try to get the WIFI connection working with SSH. However when trying to connect from my PC (Ubuntu 19.10, SSH OpenSSH_8.0p1 Ubuntu-6build1, ...
deets's user avatar
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Why TCP Out-Of-Order packet is seen after SYN?

I am trying to troubleshoot a performance issue between a client and a file server. When I look at the capture from the client, I see a weird behavior. I am trying to understand this weird behavior. ...
Vignesh Ramanan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is wireshark capturing packets not destined to my host? [closed]

My IP was configured as, I don't understand why my host is receiving packets which have a destination address of many other IPs which I didn't capture) given that I ...
xczzhh's user avatar
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server is not responding on SYN packets

On the attached tcp dump, the first two SYN packets (#21800 and 21801) came to the server, however SYN ACK was sent for the second SYN. Is that correct behaviour? My understanding is that the client ...
sidorvm's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

wireshark http POST

I would like to have a http POST request method CAPTURE filter. I know it is easy to do it by display filter http.request.method==POST but I need tcpdump compatible. I wrote tcp dst port 80 and (tcp[...
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