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Limiting outbound traffic to AWS Management Console or other Amazon consoles

I've a network whose outbound traffic is strictly limited to a whitelist of sites or domains. I searched and couldn't find any documentation about how could I allow stations on this network to use AWS ...
Cat Mucius's user avatar
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Whitelisting Gmail SMTP in CSF

In my csf.deny, I have blocked to prevent requests being sent to the raw server IP. This creates issues with sending e-mails. I utilize Google SMTP to send e-mail. I can't seem to figure out ...
anxiety's user avatar
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Managing Firewall Rules for Azure Analysis Services

My customer (a legal firm) has an Azure Analysis Services database. Access to the model is tightly controlled to prevent leakage of confidential data. Employees who need to access the model whilst ...
Jazza's user avatar
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Secure server accessing R repository

Disclaimer: Please forgive my complete ignorance and lack of knowledge with this subject. I am not an IT professional nor do I have experience with secure networks/servers or R. I just happen to be ...
Shannon 's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

windows 10 firewall: block any ip address but one

i have just enabled remote desktop on a windows 10 computer, and in fact when i telnet to 3389 port from any other computer i can reach that service, but what i want is to deny the connection from any ...
user3227400's user avatar
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Whitelisting my home router on corporate servers? [closed]

I need to access my corporate server (which is restricted) from my home. Corporate Admin is asking for Gateway IP of my home network so that they can whitelist my Home network. Basically, All my ...
Prabhu Vignesh Rajagopal's user avatar
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windows 10 - firewall IP based rules

I have a long list of IP ranges which I want to whitelist in windows firewall. I've found how to add a single range, but typing one range at a time will be very hard. Is there a way to import a list ...
user3599803's user avatar
1 vote
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Firewalld: How to whitelist just two IP-addresses, not on the same subnet

I'm running firwalld on a VPS / webserver. The public zone is active and default (and I do not want the change that). How do I allow only these two external IP-addresses to access the VPS (i.e. all ...
NYCeyes's user avatar
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IP white list for docker containers with iptables and ipset

I want to restrict access to docker container ports just from specified IPs. I set up iptables rules with ipset. I have exposed the port 8888. The requests from port 8888 are forwarded to simple ...
misco's user avatar
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NAT firewall, auto-add to whitelist triggered by DNS lookup? [closed]

I am interested in setting up a firewall. This is going to include your usual NAT, with port-forwarding for incoming connections. However I want the outgoing connections to use a whitelist of ...
700 Software's user avatar
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4 votes
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EC2 Security Group, restrict inbound access by hostname

I have written a web hook for PayPal IPN and I only want to allow access from PayPal servers on Port 80/443 to the EC2 instance hosting the end point. In the EC2 security group console I can only ...
jim's user avatar
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Simple IPtables Script for Whitelisting (Amazon Endpoints)

I'm attempting to lockdown an Amazon EC2 instance which has a single open port for Amazon SNS. I can't use security groups to restrict the port as the IP is forever changing, so it must be open to all ...
geniestacks's user avatar
-1 votes
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Any way to Improve performance of iptables DDOS whitelist? [closed]

I'm having a problem stopping a DDOS attack on a dedicated server. I have tried a lot of things (mod_evasive, apf, ddos deflate, bfd...). The attack is very big and from a lot of differents IPs, and ...
user2351607's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Open Windows Firewall to all connections from specific IP Address

Is it possible to "whitelist" an IP Address in the Windows Firewall and allow all connections from that specific address?
Aidan Knight's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Creating a whitelist for RDP access

Since people are getting unauthorized access to my Windows Server (bruteforced over several months..), I'd like to set up a whitelist for RDP access. I have tried the following with Windows Firewall ...
Tgys's user avatar
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