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2 answers

nginx and php-fpm waiting for server too long

I am using docker to mount nginx and a PHP-FPM using Phalcon Framework and React as the front end `upstream fastcgi_backend { server bfy-%APP_VERSION_UID%_buildify-php-fpm_1:90%FPM_PORT_PREFIX%; } ...
Apoorv dev's user avatar
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How to troubleshoot a server having SFTP, SCP transfer speeds of around 500 KB/s with many but not all machines?

We have two Ubuntu servers that have very slow upload and download SFTP, SCP, and RSYNC speeds, around 500 KB/s, when connecting from most home machines. These servers have fast corporate Internet ...
Jake's user avatar
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1gb vs 10gb uplink in terms of TTFB

I am about to setup a new dedicated server, I have the option of 1gb vs 10gb uplink with a considerable price difference. I do only have 10 domains on this sever and traffic is not huge. However, on ...
TAPIO's user avatar
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1 answer

Self Hosted Speedtest Command Line Script

I would like to write my own local speedtest script with a server script for listening to connections. To try and not duplicate my efforts, I haven't found much while searching. I can find lots of ...
ikwyl6's user avatar
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inconsistent speeds from different services. Mainly

I have had a few dedicated servers from and they have all been great. But recently I have found issues with my connections on my new server. It is a Dedibox MD SSD 2015 Gen2 (Ubuntu 16.04)....
user346310's user avatar
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0 answers

CPU usage of server extremely low and webpage load time high?

On a weekday at a time where very few use the optimized website on the server, the time for the page to completely load excluding 3rd party advertisements is about 0.6 seconds to 1 second. Now when a ...
user avatar
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6 answers

Linux - check speed of a network

Does anybody know which command I can use in my Linux console, to check what the speed of the network of a costumer is? I have the network IP and gateway, is there anything I can do to perform a line ...
IT-Arkitekt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Linux Experts Riddle: Network output of 10MB/s on 10GB/s NIC

I have two CentOS 6 servers. I am trying to transfer files between them. Source server has 10GB/s NIC nd destination server has 1GB/s NIC. Regardless to the command used nor the protocol, the ...
user150324's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

when a hosting mentions 100mbps bandwidth, what does it mean? [closed]

Most of web hostings say 100mbps bandwith, does it mean 100mbps upload and download combined ? what is the share between upload speed and download ? is 50 50 ? or 40 60 ? or etc ? Can anyone explain ...
Alex's user avatar
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