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Understanding mod_fastcgi apache2 module

I'm working in a Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS I'm creating my own apache "arquitecture". I called it "myApache". The idea is that every user can run its own apache listening in its UID as ...
icalvete's user avatar
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NGINX Autospawning of FastCGI Perl Scripts

For the last several years, I’ve been using a setup of NGINX as a reverse proxy that passes any dynamic content requests to Apache. Apache then uses mod_fcgid to autospawn FastCGI-enabled Perl scripts ...
Timothy R. Butler's user avatar
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Can't make Apache connect to PHP-FPM: (13)Permission denied: AH00957: FCGI: attempt to connect to

I'm trying to setup Apache with FastCGI work with PHP-FPM on AlmaLinux 9.3 and I'm stuck with this error. I can't find what I'm missing. This is the error: [Mon Mar 25 18:12:33.617487 2024] [proxy:...
El Barto's user avatar
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PHP + mod_fastcgi + suexec can't read vars set via SetEnv in .htaccess

We have PHP running via mod_fastcgi + suexec and it seems that PHP processes run this way don't see environment variables set via SetEnv in a .htaccess file. I checked via a perl script and a shell ...
user2845840's user avatar
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Directory structure with php-fpm

What's the best directory structure (aka "where to put websites html files") when php-fpm is running? Actually I have one user per website (so for example there is the website and the ...
Oscar Fanelli's user avatar
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mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server

This is my first post here although I often do search and find answers here. This time I've spent a couple of days searching various sites but unfortunately none of the answers in other threads helped ...
John Mc Murray's user avatar
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Apache: virtual host and mod_fastcgi -- how does it work?

I read this article to set up virtual host with mod_fastcgi, but I don't quite understand the following configuration: FastCgiExternalServer /var/www/php5.external -host AddHandler ...
xuhdev's user avatar
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CentOS 7 / Apache 2.4 / FastCGI Configuration

Does anyone know how to properly configure PHP/FastCGI on a CentOS 7 machine using Apache 2.4? In the Apache Virtual Host config file, I have this: <FilesMatch \.php$> SetHandler "proxy:...
marp's user avatar
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4 votes
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Enable FastCGI on Apache with Puppetlabs/Apache

I'm using Puppetlabs/Apache to configure Apache. In the main puppet file, I call and configure it: class { '::apache': } class { '::apache::mod::fastcgi': } apache::vhost { "${::fqdn} non-ssl": ...
kaiser's user avatar
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HHVM through Apache mod_fastcgi on debian

I've been able to rather easily get facebooks hhvm working from prebuilt debian packages as well as compile it, and afterwards to run it behind apache as a proxy. The problem with the proxy setup is ...
griffin's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 + PHP-FPM + mod_fastcgi (Problems setting up PHP-FPM)

I have been trying to get PHP-FPM to work with Apache 2.4, but mod_fastcgi does not work with 2.4. Is there any solution to this problem? I want to run it using an UNIX socket, but I cannot find any ...
CakeSneer's user avatar
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