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3 answers

Drive mappings from login script do not work

I have about Windows 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Servers in farm. To the best of my knowledge they are all have the same update status and they are also goverened by the same GPO. Among others, users ...
Hagen von Eitzen's user avatar
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Why are Mapped Drives using GPO saying they can't find the network path or do not have access?

Shared drive is being set as the following \\SERVER\SHARE using drive N All drives have no change Show hidden drives no change Titled: "Share" Reconnect: unchecked Set as Update/Create/Replace (all ...
JukEboX's user avatar
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Windows Server 2008r2 User Mapped Drives disconnect when GPO Mapped Drives are in effectg

I am trying to find out if a user can map their own drives and have them stay in place when they are subject to GPO mapped drives. The GPO that is in place will Map a drive which is assigned Q and ...
Paddy Cairns's user avatar
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How do I allow pass through access to a new shared drive on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box?

I am trying to allow access to a shared drive on our server (running windows server 2008 R2) so that users (running windows 7) can access the files on it. However, whenever they try to connect, it ...
Reyn's user avatar
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1 answer

Files copied to the server locally don't show up in share

I have a 2008 Remote Desktop server that was recently hit with Cryptolocker. The server itself was never infected, but rather a workstation with a mapped network drive to it. The infection was ...
Tim Drake's user avatar
1 vote
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Suddenly all drive letters mapped and shown as disconnected

We're currently facing an issue where at some point between 12am & 5am every night all drive letters that weren't in use become mapped* and show up as disconnected on a Server 2008 R2 Terminal ...
Darren Mac's user avatar
-3 votes
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Windows Server 2008 GPO Not Mapping Drives?

I have 2 servers. Server 1: Linux server running Samba, that has a share called "Common". Server 2: Windows Server 2008. I created a GPO that maps drive R: to \\LINUXSERVER\Common. I set it to "...
shi3re's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Windows Server 2008 R2 Map User Specific Drive

On our old Windows 2003 SBS, the guy that set up the network created a login script that fired to map some drives and add a network printer. I would like to do away with that script and just use the ...
Sam's user avatar
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1 answer

Drive mapping fails via GPO preferences but works fine in a VBScript

I'm running a few Windows Server 2008 R2 servers with domain computers running Windows XP SP3. Client side extension is installed. I opted to use Group Policy Preferences over the conventional ...
atomicharri's user avatar
1 vote
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Confused about net use local admin behavior for remote administrative shares

I have a windows 2008 R2 server I'm trying to access remotely, specifically I'm trying to use the c$ admin share. The server is on a domain My user is in the server's local admin group My user is a ...
MartinSGill's user avatar
17 votes
10 answers

Windows 7 search not showing results from mapped Server 2008 R2 share

I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 network share setup as a map drive in Win 7 x64. I want to search it via Windows 7 but I always get "no items match your search". It's as though it's not even ...
mbursill's user avatar
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Missing Home Folder XP Clients 2008R2 Domain

We just completed a migration from Server 2003 to Server 2008R2. Everything seems to have gone well except that many of our desktops have stopped mapping the Home Folder as set in Active Directory. ...
minamhere's user avatar
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