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Properly Extend virtual volumes on a CentOS VM, new space in /dev/cl/ not occupied by /dev/mapper

I have a CentOS VM (on a windows host, managed with virtualbox) that ran out of disk space. I extended the virtual disk size, then used gparted to assign the new space to the existing partition Then I ...
Vincent Chalmel's user avatar
0 votes
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CentOS 7 and RAID setup

CentOS 7.1 question for Everyone. How would you install a system if it needs to have a standalone disk for all the main folders and an array of 2 disks in RAID1 for a custom folder mount? Create the ...
Bert's user avatar
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-2 votes
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External Drives on RAID/LVM configuration

I had 2 drives corrupted and now replaced with new ones sitting on RAID 0. After installing the new drives I have attached the 2 old corrupted drives via usb to retrieve data from them. These 2 drives ...
WiTon Nope's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Rebalance CentOS / RHEL Ext4 LVM assignment

Our corporate standard is CentOS (which seems to prefer LVM), and I come from primarily a non-LVM background, so I'm treading new ground with this issue. I inherited an older machine as a log-server ...
Mike Pennington's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Uneven utilization of disks in xfs-formatted logical volume

We have a backup server with 66TB of available space, set up like so: 12 6TB RAID10 arrays -> 12 PVs -> 1 VG -> 1 LV -> xfs This filesystem is used exclusively for backups (through BackupPC). It ...
Gleesus's user avatar
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