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1 answer

How to block all requests starting with "?mode" on Apache?

Recently my website was hacked and now I have around 20000 indexed links in Google that were redirected to other sites via my website. Now I have stopped all redirects but I have too many request on ...
Ahmad Eidizadeh's user avatar
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0 answers

.htaccess file hacked [duplicate]

How can we protect our htaccess file? This code has appeared there several times now: (inserted by hackers) RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} (google|yahoo|msn|aol|bing) [OR] RewriteCond %{...
Daniel's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Google redirect failing on symfony website

I am helping a friend with her website mainteinance and there is some strange behaviour that I do not fully understand. When you search for her site on, and click on her main website, the ...
jmrueda's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

.htaccess file permissions changed

I have a weird problem on some of my servers with Directadmin and Wordpress installed. The file permissions of the .htaccess file are set to 444. When I change them back to 644, edit the file and save ...
Patrick Steenks's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

How can a website recover from code injection especially the domain name?

My website was recently hacked that apparently it came under code injection vulnerability not SQL injection. At least that's what Google is telling me and even gave me a possible iframe codes. That ...
ThN's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

.htaccess attack redirect all the sites in the server [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: My server's been hacked EMERGENCY My site is hacked and I've asked yesterday about this issue. I've changed the FTP password, the server password. I also have change the ...
Ali's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

My Wordpress site being hack by modifying the .htaccess [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: My server's been hacked EMERGENCY I'm going crazy right now and I don't know what to do. I've did a Google search about those hackers where they using .htaccess to ...
Ali's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Malicious script changing .htaccess files on server [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: My server's been hacked EMERGENCY There seems to be a malicious script accessing my server and editing the .htaccess files for all of my hosted sites to redirect towards ...
DanC's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

.htaccess file being compromised

I have a website hosted with Dreamhost and the contents of my .htaccess file are being compromised over and over again. someone is putting stuff like this in the front of my code: RewriteCond %{...
clamp's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Dissecting a website attack through a compromised FTP account

My site has been hacked and at this point, I know some details, but I'm at a loss at exactly how it happened or how to prevent it in the future. I need your help in trying to dissect the attack so ...
Dear Abby's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

.htaccess file hacked, how to prevent this in future? [closed]

The hacker added a code in .htaccess file to redirect all search engine traffic to a malware website. I am now investigating this incident and trying to find out security loop holes. My situation is ...
Arpit Tambi's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Bypassing htaccess restrictions?

I found this in my apache access logs access.log:555.555.555.555 - - [05/May/2011:12:12:21 -0400] "GET /somedir/ HTTP/1.1" 403 291 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 ...
Hrvoje Špoljar's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

.htaccess htpassword protect, safe enough?

I'm blocking my site via .htaccess, htpassword. I heard from a friend that it's really a joke and it can be bypassed in a minute. Is that true? What are other methods that I can use to prevent users/...
amirash's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Finding Webserver Vulnerability

We operate a webserver farm hosting around 300 websites. Yesterday morning a script placed .htaccess files owned by www-data (the apache user) in every directory under the document_root of most (but ...
Brent 's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

.htaccess being hacked repeatedly [duplicate]

About 4 or 5 days ago, a client came back to me saying that their site was being redirected to some other suspicious looking website from Google, Yahoo, etc., but it was working fine when the user ...
Aditya M P's user avatar