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Failing string replacement in xargs command

I am trying to automatically create symlinks to directories and to replace a certain text string (foo) of the original name in the link name (bar). The name of the target directories may contain ...
Ric Treepusher's user avatar
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How to filter files which have permissions changed in last n minutes

Example, I have two files -rw-rw---- 1 1000 1000 5 Sep 28 01:25 file1 -rw-rw---- 1 1000 1000 13 Sep 28 01:25 file2 After echo "asdfg" >> file1 (file1 content was modified) -rw-rw---- 1 ...
Aura's user avatar
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Processing image files once and only once without missing any

I have a wordpress installation with a large number (millions) of images. I want to optimize those images using ImageMagick mogrify but I only want to process them once (processing them over and over ...
Brad's user avatar
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Delete all folder not containing filename matching glob/regex

I want to do the following. I have depth 2 file hierarchy like this: A | B | | g | | h50000 | C Where A, B, C are folders. I want to delete all folders without files matching specific patters, (in ...
nmiculinic's user avatar
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Find old files in directory

I'm writing backup rotation script, that suppose to take all files older then 5 days and delete them. Problem is that i've got some weird search results. for example: [root@spr1-nas01 storage]# date ...
Jaels's user avatar
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Exclude with the find command [duplicate]

I need some help getting the find command to work right in a script working on. I need to be able to exclude some directories. Below I have what I'm doing as a work around. sudo find / ( -name ...
Cyberninja's user avatar
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How to get a debug output from the find command?

I have the following find command: find /home/ -type d -name "something" what I want to achieve is to know which directory/file is checked by the find command no matter the fact that it does or ...
Simeon Mitev's user avatar
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find: how to not have errors (stderr) when no files exists

I have a custom script which gzip log files when they are one day old. In my script all errors (stderr) are logged to a file and at the end of the script I use this file to know if its execution was ...
daks's user avatar
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Recursively delete empty folders with verbose output

This should be fairly simple, but I am not sure what i'm missing. I'd like to recursively delete empty directories, and get an output for what's being deleted, this command works for sure, but I just ...
kmassada's user avatar
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Running a script containing find with a regexp fails in cron but works in a shell

I have the following script in my /etc/cron.d: 19 15 * * * root /opt/scripts/ The script looks like this: #!/bin/bash find /opt/sonatype-work/...
K Erlandsson's user avatar
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Calculate disk space occupied by many .png files

I have 357 .png files located in different sub dirs of the current dir: settings# find . -name \*.png |wc -l 357 settings# find . -name \*.png | head ./assets/authenticationIcons/audio.png ./...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
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Recursively rename files using find and sed

I want to go through a bunch of directories and rename all files that end in _test.rb to end in _spec.rb instead. It's something I've never quite figured out how to do with bash so this time I thought ...
opsb's user avatar
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Scripts help FIND command via atime output to multiple files

here is a script I have wrote that I need help with. in the script I do a find for any file that has not been access for over 30 days, 60, 90, 180, 270 & 365 days. This works just fine. however, ...
user41612's user avatar