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Remove file placed by malware within Windows Shadow Volume Copy directory [duplicate]

While investigating a malware infection in a Windows Server 2012 R2, I noticed the malicious file sits in c:\Windows\Vss\Logs\WsmRes64.dll. The problem is that I can't cd c:\Windows\Vss\Logs, and the ...
Avenger's user avatar
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In Windows, how to add and verify execution permission to a file?

Here is a typical situation, assuming that I am the user desktop-6083m7k\pengc running powershell: PS D:\git\HMD-Air\Library\PackageCache\[email protected]\Editor\VSWhere> whoami ...
tribbloid's user avatar
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1 answer

How to correct NTFS permissions set by OneDrive client?

We use a Windows Server, which we want to get rid of in a few months. As replacement we configured SharePoint via Office 365, and we use the OneDrive client for synchronisation of files on the ...
Redoute's user avatar
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Windows NTFS filesystem - user cannot access file using Administrators group permissions

There is a shared folder on the computer running Windows 2012R2 with a NTFS filesystem. There is a local User X who is part of the local Group Administrators on the computer. The Shared folder is ...
rboy's user avatar
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File permission issue - You need permission to perform this action

This is a very strange issue related to a dfs replicated folder. The share in question is shared with "Everyone" with full access and permissions are applied to sub-folders using ACLs. ...
Stephen Powers's user avatar
0 votes
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NTFS permissions with multiple user groups

I do not know how to search for this, so I am sorry if this has already been asked. Also, I am new to Windows administration so if I say something wrong do not hesitate to correct me! I have a folder ...
giuliom_95's user avatar
0 votes
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Special permissions in Windows 2012R2

I have a main folder named "2020". I have a script that creates a subfolder with a file number and an address, and 5 sub-sub folders, like in the following example: I would like: to give ...
Alain's user avatar
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2 answers

Does Windows Server 2019 behave different with NTFS then Server 2012R2?

Background info: The admin account of a key user needs unrestricted access to a folder on a server. -> he is working on the server per RDP or directly with the folder (shared) Said admin account is ...
Kevin's user avatar
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NTFS permissions inheriting incorrectly as "this folder only"

I have a full directory tree that was migrated from another server. I've created top level folders with the necessary permissions that I wish to propagate to all descendant files and folders. However, ...
Nilpo's user avatar
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Creating an NTFS folder with read/write, but not "edit", permissions

If you start with "read, execute, write" basic permissions and take away "create folders/append data" you get a "drop folder" with read and "write new files only", but applications "save as" functions ...
EricC's user avatar
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Windows: How to fix broken permission-inheritance?

On our network-shares, we have all kinds of broken permission-inheritance. Just one example: The folder "D:\Shares\PublicRelations" has full access for the groups "PublicRelations" and "HR" (both ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Where do these NTFS permissions actually live? How are they created?

Alrighty, not sure how to word this but: Where do the NTFS permissions themselves get created? For example, I can set "Full Control" or "Read", but where are those programmed at? Here is why I ask: ...
Ryan's user avatar
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SeBackupPrivilege, but cannot read all files

I am trying to read full directories independent of the current file-permissions. But even though I do have "SeBackupPrivilege", the following code leads to an "UnauthorizedAccessException". How can ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Windows file permissions - Admin permissions don't seem to work as expected / access denied

I have just inherited a server and I have an issue accessing some folders. I usually get this solved "in the end", usually by forcing a takeown command and then starting from scratch - but, it's ...
wil's user avatar
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Windows Share Migration

So I was tasked (noob here) with migrating a server 2008r2 shares to a new server 2012. However, upon completing the directory copy, some users where getting access denied messages or would only be ...
Chris's user avatar
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NTFS permissions: allow delete or replace, while denying update on a file

Is it possible to restrict a user where they are unable to edit or update a file, while allowing them the ability to overwrite the entire file or delete the file to replace it with an updated file? ...
Brad's user avatar
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Add one group to NTFS permission without disrupting other permissions

I have a large and messy shared drive to which I need to give one user (group) read only access throughout. This has grown over the years and has hundreds of groups with varying levels of access and ...
LowBattery's user avatar
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5 answers

NTFS Write-Once Files

for backup purposes I have an external HDD, an I'm on Windows. What and how should I set (up?) so that files can be written to the drive once but there should be no way they can be deleted or ...
fastcatch's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why do I sometimes get numbers back from the FileSystemRights access field when checking the ACL Access?

Sometimes I'll run a command like this, and I'll get back some easy to read, easy to interpret text: PS D:\test> (get-acl test.txt).Access | Select FileSystemRights FileSystemRights ----...
leeand00's user avatar
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Automaticly apply 'list folders' permission to parental folders when user granted access to subfolder in Access Based Enumeration share

Firstly apologies if some of my terminology is off, I'm pretty new to Windows networking and Active Directory. We're running a Windows Server 2008R2 fileserver and I've been tasked with restructuring ...
lankyfish's user avatar
3 votes
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My event log has corrupted DACL 'Write Attributes' in 4656 file audit events

I have been scripting a procedure in powershell to pull security event logs from my windows 2012r2 server. Investigating a bug in my procedure to parse the event into xml I discovered a very strange ...
EPJK1337's user avatar
4 votes
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Adding Folder Permissions Using Powershell

I'm running this script in PowerShell: Add-NTFSAccess -Path 'C:\MyFolder' -Account PROGRAMMING\IIS_IUSRS -AccessRights FullControl and I'm getting this error: Add-NTFSAccess : Cannot bind parameter ...
AYS's user avatar
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How do I find out if a file or folder breaks inheritance inside another folder in NTFS without looking at all the files and folders?

So I have two directory hierarchies one on Windows Server 2003 and another on Windows Server 2008 R2. The directory on Windows Server 2008 R2 was created before hand by right clicking and creating ...
leeand00's user avatar
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Windows Server NTFS Advanced File Permissions

Here is what I would like to do: 1) Create a main folder that doesnt allow inheritance. 2) Create a template folder with subfolders. 2.1)Set permissions so these folders cannot be deleted. 2.2)...
Alan Williams's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to deny directory listing on C:\Windows?

I created a special user who should never be able to CD into several system directories like program files, Windows directory, etc. Whilte I can use icacls to setup the permissions on most of them, I ...
Zoltán Tamási's user avatar
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Issue with folder permission in file server migration - Share Parmissions VS NTFS Permissions

I am migrating a file server form 2003 to 2012 R2. There are about 50TB of files with thousands of individual permissions. I have successfully migrated the files to the new server, including their ...
ZZ9's user avatar
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NTFS permissions explanation

I had asked the below question sometime ago and it was answered, I logged I'm recently to refer back to it only to have seen all the answers had been removed. Did I do something wrong? "I seem to be ...
dqnet's user avatar
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When does a computer cache file permissions?

I just had an issue where users were directly added to the ACL of a folder. I created a group, added them to the group, added the group to the ACL of the folder and then removed the users and pressed ...
Philosophene's user avatar
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NTFS folder permissions traverse

Here is the problem We have NTFS file server with several layers of sub-folders. FolderA\ - User AAA should not have access FolderA\FolderAA\ - User AAA should not have access FolderA\FolderAA\...
John Smith's user avatar
2 votes
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Removing deny everyone permissions from GPO

As part of the workaround for CVE-2014-1776 I created a group policy object that applied Deny permissions to everyone on VGX.DLL. I am now trying to undo this group policy and having a lot of trouble....
Zell Faze's user avatar
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Permissions when copying/moving on the same volume on a Windows 2008 R2 server

Does still apply to 2008 R2? I see other questions here on SF like: How to workaround the NTFS Move/Copy design flaw? that discuss the issue, but I was ...
TheCleaner's user avatar
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NTFS permissions: clarifications sought

After reading the following page to update myself on how NTFS file, folder, and share permissions work, I am left with a few questions and hope to receive some answers on this group: http://technet....
John Sonderson's user avatar
12 votes
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What is the best way to fix NTFS file permissions to inherit parent?

When XP clients move files on the same volume, the permissions are moved with it. With Windows 7 clients and up, when a file is moved, the permissions are inherited. Unfortunately, we still have a ...
Ryan Mortier's user avatar
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File/Folder permissions on Windows file server will only work from the top down

We have a 2008 R2 server hosting most of our network shares. Lately we have been locking down the permissions in the folders to give only certain users and groups access to certain folders, but we ...
Chad's user avatar
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Security permissions appearing as long numbers instead of user name

I transferred over folders/files from one server to another using robocopy for Server 2003. However, for each individual that has special permissions to access a folder or file the security ...
user1766888's user avatar
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SBS 2008 Folder Share permissions mess

I came across this question asked a couple of years ago about setting permissions via a script and was hoping that there might be a similar script that would work for me with the issue I am having. ...
James M. Sheats III's user avatar
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NTFS Advanced Deny permissions and Rules

I feel like I am missing something obvious here. Or just making a noob mistake. I have a folder structure as shown in the example below. Folder A1 and A2 are inside folder A. Folders B1, B2 are ...
Sarge's user avatar
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What is the most efficent way to grant a user ready-only permisson to all folders and files on a file server?

We currently operate about four file servers, all running Windows Server 2008 R2. Until now, we have used the Windows internal file search (aka “Indexing options”) and this worked OK and found all ...
Tex Hex's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it possible to grant rename permissions, but not delete, in NTFS?

We have a folder for employees to scan contracts to. After scanning, they're supposed to rename them according to our conventions so they can be processed further. In response to a recent incident, ...
Bigbio2002's user avatar
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(Server 2008) Changing file permissions of a folder after moving it from another user

I've recently started using a GPO to force users 'My Directory' folder to forward to c:\home on the server. This is working fine so far. The issue I'm running into is that since nothing like this ...
mosquito's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get Windows Server 2008 R2 File and Directory Permissions

I have a setup similar to this: e:\personal\username1\scans e:\personal\username2\scans e:\personal\username3\scans e:\personal\username3\scans Permissions are not inherited on these directories. I ...
Arrick's user avatar
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Is it possible to hide folders/subfolders from users based on permissions?

Having a Windows Server 2008 R2 that has a share with lots of nested folders, I want to be able to only show certain folders to certain AD users/AD user groups. Is it possible to configure the ...
Uwe Keim's user avatar
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NTFS permissions for a user on another computer in case of a disk moving in a cluster?

Is there a way to set NTFS permissions for a user on another computer? I have two nodes in a failover cluster. Both have a specific user account ("charley") local to the node. Charley has files on a ...
Andrew J. Brehm's user avatar
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Prevent folder deletes at top level only on Server 2008

I'm trying to prevent folders moves, really folder delete in NTFS parlance, for series of folders within a network share. So let's say I have: FolderA, FolderB, FolderC. Each folder has various ...
DomoDomo's user avatar
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How can I programmatically change file permissions from one AD domain user to a separate AD domain user?

We are in a colocated RackSpace facility in San Antonio, with an active directory named "SAT". We are being moved to their Dallas/Ft. Worth facility, with an active directory named "DFW". These ...
Mason G. Zhwiti's user avatar
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Securing file content in folders under Windows

Is there a way to allow a user to create a file in a folder under Windows, but not allow them to edit the contents of the files? This would be analogous to setuid on FreeBSD systems, where files ...
Edward Q. Bridges's user avatar
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How do you grant read-only permissions on NTFS Security settings?

Is it possible to create a security group that can read who has permission to do what on NTFS folders but without granting Full Control or letting the group open files within those folders?
Chum's user avatar
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Remove Linux file permissions, in windows

I've set up a fileshare that I want my users to be able to read/write/delete to. The problem is that I'm able to list content and delete it, not read/write. Yes, this goes for several users. The ...
xeet's user avatar
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Windows 2003 Permissions Problem

I am trying to setup a new user on a Standalone (non-domain) Windows Server 2003 SP2. The user needs FTP access to 1 folder in our web site's directory structure. Here's exactly what I have done so ...
Ronnie Overby's user avatar
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Windows Vista file permissions does not inherit when copying to a network share

I've got a network share with specific permissions on a subfolder (e.g. access to developers and freelancers). A designer copied PNG files from his local system to the network share. These files ...
vdboor's user avatar
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