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mounted network disk with cifs doesn't allow to move created folders

I can create, delete and rename folder (as long, as it is stays on the same level) on an cifs connected network disk, but I cannot move them. When I try to move one dir inside of another dir, it gives ...
igoryonya's user avatar
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Linux / CentOS - Need to set R/W only permissions for future directories

I have very little background in Linux of any type, so I'm completely firing off the hip to begin with. I have been asked by the boss to set up an FTP server based on CentOS. So far, things have ...
Ian Stradling's user avatar
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How To Inherit Parent Directories Group

I have a directory /applications which is owned by root and group git. The problem is when I create a new directory inside /applications, its owned by root and group root, not group git. How do I ...
Justin's user avatar
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Determine group of unreadable unix/linux directory

dcoles1@shovel:/ $ cd /DriveXT dcoles1@shovel:/DriveXT $ ls . unreadable dcoles1@shovel:/DriveXT $ cd /DriveXT/MML/ dcoles1@shovel:/DriveXT/MML $ ls . unreadable dcoles1@shovel:/DriveXT/MML $ ...
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