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Puppetserver unable to retrieve facts from nodes

When I perform puppet lookup fqdn --node <AGENT-CERT-NAME> --explain, I get the following error: Error: Could not run: No facts available for target node: My puppet agent already ...
cd4user's user avatar
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Getting error AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'facter_ipaddress_eth1' when running ansible playbook

Getting one big error stacktrace of ansible variable not found exception ansible.errors.AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'facter_ipaddress_eth1' while I am runing ansible play book. the value that gets set ...
Ciasto piekarz's user avatar
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How to use custom facts with rspec Puppet

Is there a way I can use a custom fact while using rspec? My module works fine and the custom fact exists and works as intended when I do a puppet run on my agent, but when I try to use the same fact ...
AndreasKralj's user avatar
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how i do use puppet variable in facter custom facts

how i can inherit variable from puppet manifest in facter custom fact? in this case $job_name varible. I want use same custom fact with different envs. if $facts['hostname'] =~ /.*name.*/ { $...
antimion's user avatar
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puppet: fact in manifest with dot

I'm using puppet 4.10.9 with facter 3.6.8. I have a question(s) regarding the use of facts in a manifest that I'll ask in a simple form, and a more complex form. First, the simple question. On an ...
me2017's user avatar
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Modify puppet nodes.pp with regex based on network (facter) subnet coverage - needs peer review

For the puppet experts out there, I am trying to modify my node.pp based on the facter network. Example, I would like to have subnets through and network to get the ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Use Puppetdb for ENC variable?

I'm reading through the Puppet Documentation on adding a custom fact. Most of the information seems related to making module that runs on the agent. In my case I just want a simple environment ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
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What is a good way of retrieving/caching external facts using facter?

All of our servers have attributes that we store in a database and I'd like to make these attributes available locally on each server for use by Puppet. I don't want facter to query the database each ...
wsaxton's user avatar
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2 answers

How to access facter GCE metadata

Facter contains GCE (Google Compute Engine) metadata details: $ facter | grep gce gce => {"instance"=>{"attributes"=>{}, "description"=>"", "disks"=>[{"deviceName"=>"srvpup01", "...
user1737246's user avatar
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Notify value of variable that holds a nested fact - Puppet4

I am trying to understand what the difference is between the following: $major_release = $::facts['os']['release']['major'] $selinux_is_enabled = $::facts['os']['selinux']['enabled'] If I put in my ...
moley's user avatar
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Blank value in custom puppet fact

I know that the following custom fact matches the string I want, as if I add a 'puts' or 'print' ahead of the $1 it prints the correct string. But as show the fact returns nothing. A blank. Facter....
spoovy's user avatar
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Facter (2.4.4) sets ipaddress to docker0 and not the ethernet interface (CentOS7)

Is there a way to fix this? Can I change the interfaces order? I have a lot of puppet modules that use $::ipaddress, works fine on CentOS 6 with docker but no on 7 interfaces => docker0,...
user2363318's user avatar
2 votes
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Extract nested hash facts from puppet's facter command-line tool. How?

This might be obvious. However, after searching through facter's help, puppetlab's website, and Google I am still unable to figure out how to retrieve a nested facter fact . For example, I can do: &...
Swartz's user avatar
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Facter: Custom-fact-script "was parsed but returned an empty data set"

For facter/puppet, I installed a one-line shell script. Several, actually. On subsequent runs, and with facter -p, I see the following output: Fact file /etc/facter/facts.d/system_facts_<factname&...
Otheus's user avatar
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Facter does not show custom Puppet facts

facter does not show the custom facts while Puppetboard does. According to this source the paramater -p is required to show all facts including the custom once. I have tried it but the outcome seems ...
030's user avatar
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Puppet: Pass facter value to class (sensu puppet module)

Trying to set a custom subscription to get remediator.rb working in the sensu module in puppet. class sensuJenkinsMasterClient { class { 'sensu': purge_config => true, ...
user2363318's user avatar
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ec2_metadata fact not updating

I have added a "role" value to my instance metadata (I'm running on Openstack). I see it in curl, but it is not appearing in the ec2_metadata ...
chriscowley's user avatar
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Can't install Facter 1.7.0 on Amazon Linux using PuppetLabs Yum repositories

I've installed Puppet using the setup guide but it seems I'm only able to install Puppet packages from the amzn-* repos, even though I have installed the PuppetLabs EL6 Yum repository using the ...
JoeNyland's user avatar
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"Unsupported osfamily: Linux" when trying to install Apache using Puppet

I'm trying to setup a simple Puppet setup on AWS EC2 using the latest Amazon Linux AMI. I've followed through the install guide for RHEL and have a puppetmasterd daemon running. When apply the ...
JoeNyland's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why aren't my puppet variables getting assigned by Vagrant's puppet.facter options?

Given that the following is config'd in my Vagrantfile: puppet.facter = { 'variableOne' => 'one', 'variableTwo' => 'two' } ... and the following is in the manifest: notify{ "Got here with ...
Eric Smalling's user avatar
4 votes
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Trouble using hiera in masterless setup and getting values set for classes

I am running a masterless puppet setup that applies the puppet changes in the following manner. puppet apply /tmp/puppet/manifests/site.pp --modulepath=/tmp/puppet/modules --hiera_config=/tmp/puppet/...
Wilshire's user avatar
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Puppet directory environments and the $environment variable

Like many (I hope), I am preparing for Puppet 4 by separating out my manifests into environments. I intend on having 3 separate environments: qa, staging, prod. In setting up the manifests initially, ...
Cesar's user avatar
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Access arrays/hashes in facter 2 facts

In facter 2 you can now have arrays/hashes as facts. For example: os => { "name"=>"CentOS", "family"=>"RedHat", "release"=>{ "major"=>"7", "minor"=>"0", "full"=&...
chriscowley's user avatar
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external fact not available at very first puppet run

Introduction: We are using puppet to configure the nodes via a custom fact which is then referenced in hiera. The fact can either reside in the golden image in /etc/facter/fact.d/ or via pluginsync (...
tommics's user avatar
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Puppet - determine if another host is reachable?

Is there any ready way / custom fact / etc to be able to have Puppet respond differently if a given host and port isn't available from the managed system? For example I have some products that use ...
Tim Brigham's user avatar
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Facter - custom fact, returns empty data set when invoked by Puppet agent

According to this puppet labs article, I can create custom facts from shell scripts. I have created a bash script that returns a single fact, it is packaged in a modules facts.d directory. The module ...
user3684494's user avatar
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Hiera datatypes wont load in Puppet

I have spent a couple of days on this, followed the instructions on and even the Puppet Training Advanced Puppet manual. When I run a test ...
Cole Shores's user avatar
3 votes
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Filter puppet pluginsync

Is there a method to filter which plugins are being syncd? I have a few new modules downloaded from the forge (puppetboard,puppetdb,python). These modules include plugins, they are also only needed ...
Zoredache's user avatar
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Exclude ifaces from network related facters

I am looking for a way to exclude ifaces from the macaddress and the interfaces facter in order to make puppet run faster on certain hosts. These facts are built-in as far as I understand and I would ...
Kostis's user avatar
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Null / blank values on puppet facts

How can I quickly and easily state that a null / blank value is OK on a fact within puppet? When assembling a custom fact I'm doing something like the following: /puppet/production/modules/hosts/lib/...
Tim Brigham's user avatar
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8 votes
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Determine / set Puppet environment

I'm trying to determine what Puppet thinks the environment is on my agent nodes. Per the documentation I've configured the agent's environment in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf as such [agent] ...
quickshiftin's user avatar
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How to set the fqdn on a CentOS server? [duplicate]

I set my hostname in the /etc/sysconfig/network file to Fyi, I then issued a reboot on the machine. I have a problem with Puppet: when I run Facter on this ...
mimipc's user avatar
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Most appropriate place for custom Puppet facts - RHEL

I'm not much of a Ruby guy, but found how to list the Ruby load path. Here's what it looks like for me $ ruby -e 'puts $:' /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8 /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8 /usr/lib64/ruby/...
quickshiftin's user avatar
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5 votes
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Puppet & Facter - how to determine if running CentOS 6 or CentOS 5

How would you use facter and puppet to determine if the OS is running CentOS 6.x or CentOS 5.x ? facter operatingsystemrelease 6.4 I only care about the major release (6) I've thought about using ...
spuder's user avatar
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Puppet: Enumerating all users within a group

Is there any way to enumerate an array of all users within a group within Puppet, either as a fact or something so I can do something like this? $users = enumusers('wheel') each($users) |$user| { ...
Kyo's user avatar
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Puppet facts: should we use lsbdistid or operatingsystem?

With current versions of Puppet and Facter I get the same information in the lsbdistid and operatingsystem facts - I don't look at osfamily because on Gentoo Linux it reports a generic "Linux" string. ...
Luke404's user avatar
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Puppet sometimes can't find standard facts like osfamily

Quick brief - for testing purpose, I installed puppet agent on 5 nodes (Debian Squeeze + puppet 2.7.20-1puppetlabs1), and puppet master on 1 server (same version). On puppetmaster side in every ...
Tomasz Olszewski's user avatar
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Clean up old Domain Name for Nodes in Puppet Dashboard

I changed the domain name for some servers, i.e. to In my Puppet Dashboard, I see two entries now for the same server. I can destroy a node with something like rake node:...
Kyle Brandt's user avatar
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puppet on amazon ec2: could not change hostname

I'm running ec2 debian instance and trying to get puppet working on it. I'd like my hostnames to be something more readable, so I've changed /etc/hostname, run /etc/init.d/ start and I can ...
rvs's user avatar
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