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Mail being marked as spam by gmail but only from certain addresses [closed]

I am sending the same message through the PHP mail() function using two different addresses in the header. When I send the email with [email protected] it is marked as spam by gmail but when I send ...
blazerunner44's user avatar
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PHP Web Mail going to spam folder

I was working for my college website, and I wrote a php script that sends email using php mail function. But the problem is, all the emails that I send are going into the recipients spam/junk Folder. ...
Ritesh Kumar Gupta's user avatar
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4 answers

choosing linux OS and webserver software

I want to build a new webserver (bear with me, I'm new to this): My demands are (prioritized list): 1. Security 2. Ease of use (Administration, configuration). 3. Speed General features needed: - ...
Cudos's user avatar
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