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Additional info request on DSC Syntax for Binary Registry Key

I have more questions about implementing the solution found in: DSC Syntax for Binary Registry Key For the most part the solution suggested by Matthew Whetmore worked... but if the data starts with &...
Krish MD's user avatar
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Applying PowerShell Desired State Configuration to Windows host from Linux control machine

I'm interested in using my Linux work machine to apply DSC configuration to Windows machines. I can find lots about using DSC to manage Linux, but that isn't what I'm interested in, I want to use it ...
TSip's user avatar
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Is it possible to manage Server Manager Properties through PowerShell DSC?

For example: Server Manager → Manage → Server Manager Properties "Do not Start manager automatically at logon" Server Manager → Local Server → IE Enhanced Security Configuration → Off
mark's user avatar
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Configuring NICs on Windows safely in DSC or Puppet

We've been using DSC basically since its day 1 release, but one thing we've never been able to do successfully (either by direct plain DSC or via invoking DSC via puppet) is configure Windows ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar
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Desired State for MsSQL and IIS (puppet or chef)

In our infrastructure, some developers/consultants change some mssql or iis configurations without any notification which cause us problems. For example, if somebody change mssql recovery simple to ...
Emre's user avatar
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Server configuration management [closed]

We have windows servers hosting our software. There is a third party company doing something like penetration testing and provides us with reports and recommendations about the servers' setup/...
mynkow's user avatar
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Powershell DSC: Could not get the http stream

I have a Powershell DSC I am using to configure a web server. My server will need the URL Rewrite module, so I've gotten that code from a Github gist found at:
Black Dynamite's user avatar
9 votes
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What is different/better about DSC vs "regular" scripting?

I watched a video on about PowerShell Desired State Configuration DSC. They introduce it, and effectively run a script. However, this was their first (real) introduction of scripting too, ...
YetAnotherRandomUser's user avatar
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Installing Web Deploy with Desired State Configuration (DSC) silently fails

Absolutely brand new to DSC, so I am really stumbling through things right now. I have a basic configuration that ensures IIS, .NET 4.5, and MSMQ are installed. I am working toward configuring a new ...
Matt's user avatar
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How to do proper error handling in a push setup?

I am currently building a lab environment to get a feeling on what DSC can accomplish and where the limits are. We have a requirement to push out one-shot configurations to group of nodes based on ...
Matthias Güntert's user avatar
6 votes
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How to force DSC to execute all configurations (Packages) even when a restart/reboot is required

From MSDN RebootNodeIfNeeded: Certain configuration changes on a target node might require it to be restarted for the changes to be applied. With the value “true,” this property will restart the ...
Jupaol's user avatar
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DSC, how to know if after running the configuration a reboot is required

So I'm using DSC Push mode I have about 200 deployments per day to several environments (DEV/INT/QA/PROD) Every time that I deploy I want to make sure that each server is configured correctly So I'...
Jupaol's user avatar
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8 votes
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PowerShell DSC Group Resource - "Could not find a principal with the provided name"

I am trying to use PowerShell DSC to add a domain group to the local administrators group. Here is the code: Configuration TestSetup { Node localhost { Group Administrators { ...
Richard's user avatar
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17 votes
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PowerShell DSC copy from network share

I am trying to use PowerShell DSC to copy folder contents from a network share. Here is the code: Configuration TestSetup { Node localhost { File Test { SourcePath = "\\Server\...
Richard's user avatar
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How do I debug Powershell Desired State Configuration not generating MOF files?

I'm following the most basic example on MSDN and I'm failing to get it to work. I've got my configuration defined as follows: Configuration MyWebConfig { Param($ComputerName) Node $...
skolima's user avatar
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