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2 answers

How to detect an intranet SYN flood?

I got this problem: whenever I plug a Linux-server into the intranet, the whole network slows down and then die. Every ping/ssh connection between the intranet yields time out. I unplugged it, then ...
EyeQ Tech's user avatar
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TMG only windows 2008 r2 installing. NOT WORKING windows server 2012 r2

TMG Forefront only working windows server 2008 or 2008R2 - Not working windows server 2012. How to mitigation windows server 2012R2 - Flood attacks,http attacks ? Please help how to build windows ...
Ahmet Berk Başaran's user avatar
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ICMP DDoS, proper ACL?

We are having about a 3-4Gbps ICMP flood on one of our servers and I wonder.. I have a 20gbps of DDoS protection but the proetction seems ineffective against ICMP funnily (it worked well to block a ...
Yannick's user avatar
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2 answers

Firewall UDP Flood Dos/DDoS

Recently I have been suffering from what appears to be a UDP query flood attack. I am looking for a way to block the attack using a software firewall such as iptables, this should be possible, as ...
Bill Boverhaven's user avatar
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3 answers

IPTABLES block User-Agent

I get DDoS by the Wordpress Pingback BOTNET, now I want to block all client who contain Wordpress in there Useragents. For example: WordPress/4.0;; verifying pingback from 107.158....
user3135461's user avatar
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2 answers

Protection against scrapping with nginx

This morning we had a crawler going nuts on our server hitting our site almost 100 times per second. We'd like to add a protection for this. I guess I'' have to use HttpLimitReqModule but I don't ...
bl0b's user avatar
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4 answers

apache being flooded?

I have a linux apache server which was running fine until a few days ago. What happened is from the access log there are lines like this, and the log file is growing by many lines every second. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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1 answer

Windows Server 2008: Limit UDP/TCP packets per IP or ban

How I can limit UDP/TCP packets per IP send to my host (or better PORT) per second or minute ? Would be nice to ban that IP for 12/24 hours or even for ever. I got Windows Server 2008 and I'm very ...
WBAR's user avatar
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Mitigate HTTP connect floods with HAproxy + Apache

Our infrastructure consists of load balancers running HAProxy and Apache, which forward traffic to our app servers running just Apache. The past few days, we've been seeing connection floods which the ...
Christopher Armstrong's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is FunWebProducts flooding my server?

I have received 47 000 hits in the past couple of hours from a single domain. I researched FunWebProducts but it seems to be some kind of a plugin, not sure how this is possible? - - [03/...
giorgio79's user avatar
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2 answers

Monitor incoming TCP/UDP flood attack and graph it

I'm preparing a presentation on a security issue and want to include a demonstration. It won't be in real time, I just need to show some pictures of the results. I have some VPSes that will perform ...
Ion's user avatar
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4 answers

The more secure iptables script imaginable. Does one exist? [closed]

I plan on buying a server soon. I'd like the server to be as secure as possible, only having POP3, SMTP, SSH and HTTP open. I know how to write an iptables script to only allow those connections and ...
Simon's user avatar
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Packet flooding, is there any way to handle it?

My machine is being flooded with thousands of packets per second. They don't eat much bandwidth (60mbps out of 1gbit) but they damage system a lot by consuming a CPU responsible for handling network ...
rfire's user avatar
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VPS under DDoS Attacks [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Am I getting DDoSed, and what should I about it? I'm using a 2 VPS Servers. My domains was unvailable for some time. 1 hour, Somtimes 30 Minutes, and pages loading was realy ...
Seik's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Amazon EC2 bandwidth charges in case of unwanted incoming traffic(ddos/flood)?

What happens if my EC2 instance gets ddosed/flooded, which could potentially go up to tens of gigabytes an hour(and even more) of undesired incoming traffic, will i be charged for this traffic? My ...
Shinnok's user avatar
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2 answers

UDP Flood/DoS or What?

Basically I am receiving a lot of packets/data with random info on UDP protocol. Packet has header and then a lot of XXXXXXX in it's content. I assume it is UDP flood but it comes from different web/...
user avatar
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4 answers

How to protect Lighttpd from DOS attacks and flooding? [duplicate]

I have a problem with Lighttpd because someone started to use some Web downloader from very good connection and it blocked my whole website. Is there any way to protect Lighttpd from DDOS attacks and ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar