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Server's unusual outgoing traffic about 12K GB and Incurred high server traffic costs

Last night my server(centos5) had unusual outgoing traffic, About 12kGB and right now my server is down because I have to pay that traffic's cost. My server is a small server for a small App. I don't ...
Fcoder's user avatar
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Buffer-stuffing denial-of-service attack

I started seeing this odd sort of effect that resembles denial-of-service attack against a Linux server. The effect is that the network becomes at least partially unusable very much the same as what ...
tylerl's user avatar
  • 15.2k
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CentOS Server keeps grinding to a halt, then comes back up

CentOS 5.2 LAMP server The server slows down to a point where no services are responding. After a few minutes, it comes back and is running well. The server keeps doing this cycle, what could be ...
user69904's user avatar
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DDOS by several IPs with one connection [duplicate]

I have a site that was being hit with a DDOS the same time every day for the past month, and after spending a month researching and pinpointing the bug, we enacted a bash script which if the ...
Zach Smith's user avatar