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SFTP is not successfully connecting to some clients, error is returned

I have an SFTP server installed on Centos 8. First, I created a group sftpusers and users (with passwords) in it. I added following lines in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file: Port 22 Port 33000 ... #...
coding's user avatar
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SFTP Error: "client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe"

I'm running an SFTP server using CentOS 8, I have a folder in /var/ called "sftp" that is owned by Root and is assigned 777 permissions. Each user gets their own folder within /var/sftp/ and has ...
kfeen's user avatar
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0 answers

Debug failing SFTP transfers ("forced close")

I have a user who regularly connects to a server via SFTP and reads and writes files. This has been going on for years without issue, until a couple of weeks ago where we're now seeing sporadic ...
MrWedders's user avatar
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SFTP from CentOS to Windows CANNOT connect

I'm configuring a SFTP access from a linux machine (client) to a windows 2012 machine (server). On server side I'm running coreFTPServer configured for FTP over SSH only and with key auth only. Using ...
refex's user avatar
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Need to restrict user to just a single directory enable him to have ssh also to that directory? [duplicate]

I am trying to create a new user and restrict his access to only a single folder in /usr/local/. So I did some google and followed the following steps. groupadd controlgroup1 cd /usr/local mkdir ...
user5313398's user avatar
3 votes
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How to give SFTP/SSH access to external developer and jail it to public_html?

I found very similar questions (like this), but I could not find a solution that applies to my situation. I need to give an external developer access to one of the hosted website on the machine. The ...
user avatar
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SFTP not working

We have a Centos 6 machine, and until today, sftp was working fine. Yesterday we reboot the machine, and now we can connect throught SSH but not SFTP We have tried with internal-sftp and sftp-server ...
Carlos Lopez Infante's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Can connect via SSH - but not via SFTP? Exit status 127

Unfortunately I can not connect via sftp to my VPS: This is my sshd_config: # Package generated configuration file # See the sshd_config(5) manpage for details # What ports, IPs and protocols we ...
MyFault's user avatar
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A proper way to create a chrooted SSH on CentOS 7 [closed]

There are a lot of tutorials of how to create a chrooted SFTP, but I would like to use SSH, because it is much faster to simply wget, unzip, mysql and mysqldump than tossing around the FTP and ...
amq's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Server unexpectedly closed network connection (sftp + putty) [closed]

I am running CloudLinux 6.6 with Cpanel/WHM. We had disabled default port 22, but a client required it, so ever since I switched back to port 22, we have experienced "Server unexpectedly closed ...
Hi-Tech's user avatar
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Banned from SSH Centos server but can't find where

For some reason my ip address is banned from using ssh or sftp. I have no problem connecting to the server using an other ip nor i have problems reaching all other services (like http, teamspeak) with ...
Santy's user avatar
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2 answers

Chroot user to an existing folder witch parent owner isn´t root [closed]

We have moodle installed on our company and due to big SCORM packages + slow conection + proxy, I usually upload them with SFTP with my root user. Now, I want to give users a way to upload files by ...
ikerib's user avatar
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-1 votes
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SFTP and SSH Logins [duplicate]

I've been doing my research and found some clues as to where I should be looking, but just can't quite get it perfect. I'm trying to create a new user, and allow them to have access to SFTP for file ...
Solistica's user avatar
-1 votes
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Issue with access via port 22 from some FTP clients [closed]

I am having an issue with connecting to an SFTP server. On the same computer when I access SFTP via application A, I am given access, but when I use application B, I have no access. In my server ...
user3402600's user avatar
1 vote
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Daily sftp stops working, and weekly sshd fails and needs reinstall

My server has daily issues with its SFTP. Everyday I need to change the SFTP subsystem. Everyday it gets reset to: Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/sftp-server While it has to be: Subsystem ...
Kay Int Veen's user avatar
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SSH problems - server unexpectedly closed network connection

Since yesterday I have problems connecting to my server using SSH/SFTP. I can only connect after a restart of my server. When I try to make a connection after a couple of minutes, I can no longer make ...
user219682's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Cannot jail SSH users to any folder other than their home folder

I need some help on this. I'm attempting to jail SSH users into their own folders so that they can SFTP into a server without seeing the filesystem I have following a simple guide online and managed ...
Dotty's user avatar
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2 answers

Jailkit not locking down SFTP, working for SSH

I installed jailkit on my CentOS 5.8 server, and configured it according to the online guides that I found. These are the commands that were executed as root: mkdir /var/jail jk_init -j /var/jail ...
doublesharp's user avatar
6 votes
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chrooting user causes "connection closed" message when using sftp

First off I am a linux newbie so please don't assume much knowledge. I am using CentOS 5.8 (final) and using OpenSSH version 5.8p1. I have made a user playwithbits and I am attempting to chroot them ...
George Reith's user avatar
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sftp concurrent connection

I have to setup my server to receive 20-30 concurrent sftp connections from different clients using same username. I've tried to test this simulation user connections with scp. The problem is that ...
John's user avatar
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virtual sftp users with openssh

Is it possible to setup a SFTP service with OpenSSH with the use of virtual users (not /etc/passwd)? I'm aware of all the chroot/jail capabilities of OpenSSH. I also read somewhere that the PAM ...
zero_r's user avatar
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SFTP not working, but SSH is

I've had a server running CentOS for a few months now. A few days ago, I stopped being able to connect to it over SFTP. I've tried from multiple computers, OSes, clients, and internet connections. I ...
Dan's user avatar
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What is the easiest and cleanest way to create a chrooted SFTP on Centos 5.4?

I would like to setup a SFTP with chroot (or equivalent) login to my Centos 5.4 server in a clean way. By clean way I mean by using only the YUM command if possible and with something easy to maintain ...
benjisail's user avatar
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Is MySecureShell a good way to manage SFTP user with chroot on a Centos Server?

I need to setup my Centos 5.4 server for SFTP with chrooted access only (or equivalent). The regular solution using RSSH find here :
benjisail's user avatar
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Is there an available repository to update OpenSSH to 4.8+ on Centos 5.4?

I need OpenSSH 4.8+ in order to do setup a clean chrooted SFTP on my Centos 5.4 with Remi and EPEL repositories. Is there a repository for Centos which contain an updated OpenSSH? Thanks! Extra ...
benjisail's user avatar
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Chroot with CentOS 5.3 + openssh 4.3p2

OS: CentOS 5.3, with openssh 4.3p2 Trying to set 'chroot' in ssh shell, but openssh version prior to 4.8 doesn't take below settings. yum update openssh open up to version 4.3 which is quite old. ...
Scud's user avatar
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7 answers

How to secure SFTP wihtout re-compiling OpenSSH?

I imagine many of you have production environments and the option for recompiling a software package like OpenSSH, that is widely use is not an option, at least all the time. The solution in Securing ...
Geo's user avatar
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