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cronjob error "/bin/sh: /path/to/file: No such file or directory" [duplicate]

i've installed a python software that allows to run javascript on the server i've put the binary file (jsrunner) in this address /usr/local/bin/jsrunner so in the ssh when i try it it works fine ...
hretic's user avatar
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Command to refresh binary paths in CentOS?

This is probably really easy and I just can't seem to find it. I'm moving binaries around between /usr/bin and /usr/sbin, and even though both folders are in my $PATH, moving one binary to the other ...
Locane's user avatar
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CentOS - binary won't run unless typed with absolute path

I'm not sure if it's a quirk of the program I'm trying to run (amidelnx) or if it's something with the way some binaries in general function. Also, I've read this question but it is not the same as ...
Locane's user avatar
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MySQL hangs up after binlog rotation

Been having a strange problem lately and wondered if anyone had any input. I'm running a mysql replication setup, with 1 master and 3 slaves. Every 3 hours or so the binlog on the master fills up and ...
JoeCortopassi's user avatar
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binary executable working in centos but not in ubuntu

I was trying to install weblogic 9 to test if an application is working correctly when migrated from a previous release. I downloaded the "Oracle WebLogic Server 9.2 MP3" and I was able to install it ...
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