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2 answers

remotely destroy all data windows 7 [closed]

we are downsizing our organization and closing several stores. This may sound malicious but actually involves complete remote data destruction for company equipment. My team has been tasked with ...
Eric Goldenberg's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Trigger a batch file when a user choose "Switch User" in windows

I save log in/out details of all the users to a text file through a .bat file, which is executed by Task Scheduler (on workstation-lock/unlock)/ gpedit.msc (on user logout/login). I want to run the ...
J. Parashar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Running a Batch File from Task Scheduler With User credentials automatic fetch from directory

I'm trying to run a batch file on Windows 7 from the Task Scheduler. I can run the batch file fine if I run it from the command prompt and by storing user credentials in Task schedular. However, User'...
Prashant shukla's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Scheduled tasks

Overview:- I need to download a csv file every 10 mins from an intranet site. This is done using a batch file. To ensure that it happens with out any delay, i have set up multiple tasks using Windows ...
Santhosh Rao's user avatar
1 vote
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Windows findstr with AND condition

Hi i searched few older posts but didnt find exact solution. so posting new question. I need a single a windows command to search two words using AND condition. Will findstr works for combination of ...
srinath's user avatar
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how to Install java run-time /jre on a custom path using a Batch script?

Im trying to create a bat file to make an unattended installation with sccm. I downloaded jre-7u55-windows-i586.exe from
user879's user avatar
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Is there any way to add an HTTP Header to every IE request on a computer?

I would like to add a custom HTTP Header to every Internet Explorer request on a computer (or every browser request). I don't know if this is possible whatsoever, if you have heard of anyway to ...
grizzljt's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

windows - how to make some file impossible to remove/rename for all users via commandline

how to (using command-line/batch file only) make some file impossible to delete/rename for all users. I tried attrib +R on file itself and on directory where it exist but it doesn't help
szemi's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Running a Batch File from Task Scheduler Without User being logged In

I'm trying to run a batch file on Windows 7 from the Task Scheduler. I can run the batch file fine if I run it from the command prompt. If I run it from the Task Scheduler to only run when the user ...
yhussain's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to query the task manager

I know the tasklist command in Windows will give a list of task names and their PID. There is another command WMIC path win32_process get Commandline which does give more detailed information, but its ...
E.S.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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Running Batch file with elevated rights through GPO

I have a shortcut that specifically uses Google Chrome. We have XP and Windows 7 in our environment, and I want to only use one shortcut for both OS. The reason being is that our environment is quite ...
shinjijai's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to get login username of the login that triggerred a task in the task scheduler

In the Windows 7 task scheduler, I have a task that runs when any user logs on. This task is run as Administrator so it can get the proper priviliges and runs a bat file. I would like to pass in the ...
ciso's user avatar
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5 answers

How would you run an application off a network share so you can update application?

We have an internal desktop application which we have deployed to a network share. In that directory are subdirectories for each version, ie, z:\Apps\ApplicationX\1.0 z:\Apps\ApplicationX\2.0 z:\Apps\...
Benjamin Peikes's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How can I hide ms-dos window when running a .bat file?

I am running a .bat file for my script (Scheduled Tak (CronJob)) per minute. When it run, seems ms-dos window short period of time. My batch code like this; @ECHO OFF C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\php.exe ...
prestack's user avatar
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Batch file installing executable only gives SYSTEM permissions

So, I have a couple of batch files that install some executables and they work, but when the executables setup shortcuts on the desktop only SYSTEM has access to them. Is there a way I can prevent ...
Gup3rSuR4c's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Setup.exe called from a batch file crashes with error 0x0000006

We're going to be installing some new software on pretty much all of our computers and I'm trying to setup a GPO to do it. We're running a Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controller and all of our ...
Gup3rSuR4c's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Using a for loop in Microsoft cmd.exe, how can I process only the files with a certain extension?

I have a the folder c:\test\ and two files in it a.txt and b.txtv. I would like to process just the files with extension equal to .txt. If I write this commands cd c:\test for %f in (*.txt) do echo ...
Alessandro Jacopson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Running Linux Script from Windows in backgound

I'm using following script from my windows machine to run on linux and do backup. @ECHO off :: run remote command plink.exe username@myserver /home/username/ Problem with this script is ...
Kashif's user avatar
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Run batch files as administrator user

I have a segment with 100 computers. I am booting each machne from WinPE OS located on a CD. After the OS has finished loading, I want to automatically run a batch file that will copy the CD to the C:...
rrr's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Script to delete temp files for all users in XP, Vista, and 7

Basically, we have numerous customers running XP and 7 with a few Vista machines. I've found this batch script, but it is limited to the current user (uses the %userprofile% environment variable). I'...
Chris's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Mass delete mapped & local printers

Is there any way to mass remove all local and network mapped printers from all workstations on a domain via group policy or a batch file? I need to remove local Windows 7 printers such as Fax, ...
Ash's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

command line REGEDIT command (edit) without a popup

I am attempting to disable UAC via a batch file with a REGEDIT command, and everything works - but, I need to be able to do this without clicking. When I run the: REGEDIT /S somefile.reg It works ...
naspinski's user avatar
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Trying to install PEAR (running go-pear batch file) - getting "php_pdo.dll is missing" error

I need PEAR installed. So, I tried running the go-pear batch file inside by PHP extract. But it gives this error - The program can't start because php_pdo.dll is missing from your computer. Try ...
Sandeepan Nath's user avatar
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Executing Windows administrative shell commands on Windows using Python

I have a batch script using Windows shell commands to perform several administrative actions. The script is running great on Windows 7 but when i try launching it from Python 2.6 nothing happens: ...
at0m's user avatar
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Making sure a batch is run with admin privileges

We use batch files to do simple installations of COM servers - mainly a few file copies and regsvr32s. Since regsvr32 writes to the registry's local machine hive, the batch must be run with ...
Eran's user avatar
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VirtualBox on Windows Hosts | Export and Import batch automate

VirtualBox on Windows I am planning to deploy virtual box on around 10 computers (Vista / 7), I have setup a centos vm and exported it as an appliance with the ovf and vmdk files in the same folder. ...
Mutahir's user avatar
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Last Logged on User on Offline Windows Installation

Recently at work, I was wondering if there was a quick batch command I could use to look at some output and quickly determine which was the last user who logged on. Users do not have roaming profiles,...
songei2f's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to send the current working directory as an argument in windows?

I want to send a path as an argument to an executable. what I want to do something like this: pushd some\folder set x=cd popd MyExe.exe %x% the problem is that the x variable is now equal to the ...
Ohad Horesh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Copy file to all users desktop

I want to copy a file to all users desktop on Windows 7 by using a batch file with the command: COPY C:\FOLDER\FILE.TXT %AllUsersProfile%\Desktop But the message "Permission Denied" is shown. How ...
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