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3 votes
2 answers

Robocopy - All data marked as modified

We make use of the following script to backup a folder (quite large - approx. 400GB), to a NAS with EXT4 Filesystem: robocopy "Source_Directory" "\\NAS\Destination\Directory" /MIR /FFT /COPYALL /W:5 /...
joebegborg07's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Desktop backups maintenance on a network share

I have configured Windows Backup and Restore function on Windows 7 Professional desktops to make daily backup on a network share placed on a Windows Server 2012. (BTW It's a pity that this utility ...
zdzich's user avatar
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1 answer

Tools or scripts to transfer files of a specific criteria to a USB drive

The company I work for has a 'company wide' share that is mapped on all of our machines. Over the years this has grown into the terrabytes and now lucky me has been tasked with bringing this back ...
James's user avatar
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Running scheduled task in current profile with another user

I have a doubt about Windows scheduler: I created a domain user (backupuser) appositely to launch a batch file that starts the backup. The problem is that the batch is launched in the "backupuser" ...
ITAlin's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Backup with Mercurial and Robocopy?

The Problem We would like to backup our critical files from several network shares to a removable hard drive. We want to automate the backup so we don't have to remember to run it. It needs to ...
Andrew Neely's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to set the Backup Identification Label of a job in NT backup using the command line

I'm using NTBackup on a server 2003 R2 system, to backup to a file over the network, using a batch script. What I'm trying to do is to change the name of the backup set as displayed in NTBackup's '...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Batch file problems

I have created a batch file to copy and zip up an entire drive of data on my server. I have selected the D:\ drive to be copied and zipped. However, I have one problem. When I run the batch file, only ...
GMitch's user avatar
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1 answer

Windows Server 2008 - Windows Server Backup - Email Alerts

I would like to create a script that emails me when a scheduled daily backup runs. I'd prefer the email to indicate success or failure. I understand that this is not an easy thing to do with Windows ...
Brian Webster's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

RAID or batch copy on scheduler?

Is it better to setup a RAID array or a batch copy command on a scheduler? My needs are simple - to backup my important files (some source code, financial data, etc.) on my home network nightly to a ...
Tone's user avatar
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