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Autoscaling - lifecylehook implementation

I'm trying to implement my first ASG with a lifecycle hook and I am having this issue: LifecycleHandlerFunction: Encountered unsupported property Role The following resource(s) failed to create: [...
serialp's user avatar
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Spawn new Aws::AutoScalingGroup instances before old are destroyed. (503 error occuring)

TL;DR: See edit at bottom. I am attempting set up continuous deployments for our new environment we are migrating to at my company. I am using an aws cloudformation stack to contain all of my ...
domdambrogia's user avatar
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AWS CloudFormation: Make ELB not available for requests while ASG returns non 200 (OK) on the healthcheck

I have an ELB and ASG, where ASG has to do some warmup for about 75 minutes, before it can serve the full and correct results. I specified a health check grace period of 4500 seconds. In the ELB ...
Aliya's user avatar
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Getting information from one CloudFormation stack to use in another

I'm trying to set up a build pipeline for a web service in AWS. The plan is to have the service run in an Auto Scale Group, and use Jenkins to build a one off EC2 instance, run tests and, on success, ...
DanielM's user avatar
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How do I create DNS entries for EC2 instances created by Auto Scaling?

I'm looking into using auto scaling groups for a tier of webservers that would be fronted by an ELB. One of the things I'm having a hard time with is how to give each new instance the proper DNS name....
Evan's user avatar
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Persistent Spot Instance Request with CloudFormation

Is it possible to create "Persistent Spot Instance" with AWS CloudFormation ? I'm going through the Autoscale and EC2 CloudFormation's template references but there is no mention how to set a property ...
PapelPincel's user avatar
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Bootstrapping in CloudFormation with Autoscale

My CloudFormation template creates an autoscale group and bootstrap it with utility script /opt/aws/bin/cfn-init. When I remove the bootstrap part out of my template the, autoscale get created without ...
PapelPincel's user avatar
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AWS Cloud formation plus auto scaling

I have created a cloud formation script to launch two instances, attach a volume on startup, and setup a load balancer. Now I am looking at setting up auto scaling and I am confused by the launch ...
Eric's user avatar
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