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Determinate witch Php cache system is currently used

How can i find what php cache system is used by my server (APC/opcache/Zend...) ? If I run this command line, i've no information : php -v PHP 5.4.45-0+deb7u5 (cli) (built: Aug 30 2016 20:15:34) ...
Nicolas Schubhan's user avatar
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E: Unable to locate package php5-apcu

trying to install APCu on Ubuntu: apt-get install php5-apcu Getting an error: E: Unable to locate package php5-apcu Following someone's suggestion I added: deb wheezy-...
VladaP's user avatar
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APCu and APC setting unclear

Please help me to understand where is difference between APC and APCu lies. While inspecting CentOS web-server (set up not by me) found that it has APCu 4.0.2 installed and phpinfo(); reports that APC ...
Demontager's user avatar
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APC and xCache memory configuration

In PHP xCache and APC, there are options that allows to set maximum memory. Do xCache and APC actually RESERVE the memory, or they just use it whenever they need to?
ComMania's user avatar