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FreeRadius EAP-TLS with Windows Client looping request

I have a FreeRadius 3.0 setup with EAP-TLS only configuration using the test CA, server cert and client cert supplied in the FreeRadius package. CA.der is installed in Trusted Root Authority Store. ...
foreverNoob's user avatar
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Can a Linux box be configured with IEEE 802.1x while grabbing the info from a Windows box?

A managed Windows device can join the wired network of my corporate company, while a personal Linux one can't. As far as I understand, this is possible thanks to IEEE 802.1x standard. Looking at the ...
Patrick Allaert's user avatar
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How to enable 802.1x EAP-TTLS with PAP in Windows 7?

By default, Windows 7 doesn't support EAP-TTLS authentication method natively. If I enable IEEE 802.1X authentication in Windows 7, I can see only two authentication methods: Microsoft smart cards or ...
Yuanqiu Li's user avatar
2 votes
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Freeradius VLAN assignment with EAP-TLS and WiFi 802.1x

I'm using FreeRadius with a Ubitquiti WiFi AP with 802.1x auth using EAP-TLS (mutual client/server cert based auth). This is working well for static VLANs (i.e. specified on the AP). I'd like to ...
user397220's user avatar
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802.1x Wifi with NPS Server, using EAP-PEAP and a certificate for Authentication

I don't know if what I am trying to do is possible but here we go. I have a bunch of iPad's that I am going to supervise before they go on to my network. The iPad's will connect to the wifi via 802....
tyelford's user avatar
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freeradius gives "no shared cipher" for windows 10 client

I have a working configuration of 802.1X authentification on my switch. The radius server is a freeradius instance with EAP-TLS configured. Everything works fine on linux (and android devices), but ...
Alexander Sergeyev's user avatar
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802.1x Login Window profile fails because it "can't prompt for missing properties"

I'm trying to configure a TTLS 802.1x Login Window profile on OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite. The profile has been installed (via MDM) and the login window now shows (above the username/password input boxes) ...
eggyal's user avatar
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EAP-TLS: is it possible eavesdropping when sharing client certificate?

I want to know how to share a network of WPA2 enterprise with EAP-TLS, authenticating users with a common certificate. They share the same certificate. I'm afraid they can monitor each other. Is ...
jumeno's user avatar
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