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What can be leaked using a browser extension where one of the extensions loads JavaScript from a remote site?

Can one remotely log my IP, browser history, and saved passwords? I think the IP should be easily done if one of the extensions load a remote JavaScript to run in my browser. I'm not sure about other ...
Maxfield's user avatar
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3 answers

Is Firefox's new JavaScript support within PDF files a security concern?

Historically, we have learned that many security vulnerabilities and exploits have resulted from allowing document files to contain executable code, whether it be JavaScript, VBScript, another ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
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Is JavaScript needed for browser code execution vulnerabilities?

Does JavaScript VM have to enabled in a vulnerable browser to exploit an arbitrary code execution bug? There is a number of bugs in borwsers that don't seem to involve JavaScript. For example, CVE-...
kralyk's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How does BeEF work and how can it be persistent?

BeEF - the browser exploitation framework. I think (thought) I had a basic working understanding of how it works. Recently, though, I was watching, this DEFCON talk, where a hacker used a man-in-the-...
QuinnF's user avatar
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How does this website prevent directing away from it

I'm using the latest version of Firefox with Ghostery and Adblock plus installed. This website somehow prevents navigation away from it. How does it do this and how can it be protected against? I can'...
Celeritas's user avatar
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