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Static react native app security issues

I am creating a react native mobile application using Expo. This app simply renders information - there is no data collection or entry, no user accounts, no database (other than JSON storage). There ...
server_unknown's user avatar
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What is the difference between ATT&CK and CAPEC?

My question is on Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). I want to know the difference between Attack Patterns (as in MITRE CAPEC) and Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (as in MITRE ATT&CK). They both ...
JacopoStanchi's user avatar
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What is the difference between "local" and "Adjacent" threat agents?

I am using CVSS to do the vulnerability assessment for my project. As per documentation here is the definition of local and adjacent Adjacent (A) The vulnerable component is bound to the network ...
kudlatiger's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Threat modelling - including threats one cannot mitigate?

When threat modelling, should you include the threats a system cannot mitigate? If so, where should you stop? It could be very time-consuming to list all the threats one cannot mitigate.
user5508297's user avatar
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2 answers

Threat Modelling Examples (Distributed Systems)

I have threat modelled applications in the past, but I'd like to threat model a distributed system. However for other people I'm with, who have never done it at all, I'd like to check out some ...
user109017's user avatar
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2 answers

Malware for testing [duplicate]

IS there websites and places where you can download all types of malware that you can run and test the security setup of your system? I am currently playing around with UAC+EMET4+MSE and would like ...
Travis Thompson's user avatar