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Is there a documented security standard that forbids or discourages rolling your own crypto?

Is there any security standard published by NIST or another reputed body in information security that explicitly forbids or discourages rolling your own crypto? If yes, would you please post the ...
Lone Learner's user avatar
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Trustable Sources For Security Algorithms and Standards?

I am learner of cryptographic algorithms and security standards. I usually Google it to understand the basics of the algorithm or the protocol, and to find an implementation of a protocol. However I ...
Pilfility's user avatar
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Cryptography best practices standard [closed]

I have been searching some standards about cryptography best practices. I have found some articles and books but no official standard. Do cryptography best practices standard exist?
Iratzar Carrasson Bores's user avatar
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Envelope formats to store (symmetric) encrypted text

We have decided to use AES to cipher user data. So for every data chunk we have the crypted text along with the SALT. Now we have to store both of them in the database and we do not want to separate ...
robob's user avatar
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