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Some introductory reverse engineering help on finding a string

I understand the crackme I am researching is from 2007, however this was the point in my life when I initially became interested in reverse engineering and wish to complete it for nostalgia sake. ...
questioner's user avatar
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Can an unloaded malicous.dll placed on the "drive by download " directory be remotly exploited?

Some programs can be downloaded to the drive-by download directory through the browser , the easy way is to unpack the program on the /download directory (It is the default path if the user doesn't ...
GAD3R's user avatar
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Disk encryption with OTP to protect source code

We have to ship a hard- and software prototype to a customer for a first field test. The software is just not ready (protected - too much Python code) for distribution without the possibility, that ...
Viatorus's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Reverse Engineer and Exploits researching [closed]

Can some one give me a start point for finding exploits in software and reverse engineering? I need some kind of a book or a site... I have background with programming with high and low level such as ...
Asaf fisher's user avatar
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Is the security of this .net application flawed?

Ok, I know that every obfuscated .Net application can be reverse engineered. And I know that it is better if I go the open source way if possible. But unfortunately I cannot because there is no ...
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