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How to extract a RSA private key from an ssh-agent core dump

I need to extract an RSA private key from an ssh-agent core dump running on ubuntu 20.04. I believe the ssh version is the latest. I have tried many Linux tools with no luck. I also wrote a python ...
Wesley Jones's user avatar
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Passively read key from process memory without invoking kernel (windows 10)

I have a process that loads into memory like any other process. It contains a special key. Our goal is to read this key inside memory...or while it is in transit across the data bus from cpu. The ...
Hercslure's user avatar
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Volatility Plug-ins to investigate packed exe files

I am using volatility for malware analysis. I have got a process in my memory image that is packed by malware using UPX packer. Malfind plugin doesn't show injected code for it also. How can i use ...
ayesha's user avatar
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Starting off with Malware Analysis

I am starting off with malware reversing/analysis for the first time. I have been going through many resources on the internet. Some of them being pretty awesome and helpful, like SANS resources, ...
qre0ct's user avatar
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Decrypt SSL Connections established by a Host I have adminsitrative privileges on

I want to decrypt a SSL connection that is established by an unknown binary file on a Windows 7 Computer. This binary doesn't exist on any other computer on our network and establishes SSL encrypted ...
davidb's user avatar
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