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Securing multiple systems accessing the same data

I'm hitting a roadblock when it comes to security for managing scoped permissions for servers. Right now I run a community which can create sub-servers. So community A can allow certain users to ...
Jakeinzah's user avatar
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Why there are so many web servers which get exploited by generating obfuscated files?

TL & DR How do those obfuscated files many users complain on this SE-site about get on their systems? And after that, even more interesting how they get executed? Is this caused by the way php ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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Custom socket server on the internet running as root

We are writing a custom socket server which runs on a high port. Until recently, it has been running behind a corporate firewall. Now, it has been decided that the server should be taken outside the ...
Cuadue's user avatar
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What is the most secure way to set up web server user permissions? [closed]

The default Debian way of setting up a common web server (Nginx) is to run the main process as root and unprivileged workers as www-data. In order to allow for the worker processes to read/execute web ...
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