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Which VPN offers more security conceptually, SSL VPN or L2TP/IPSEC?

Aside from possible implementation bugs, which VPN concept aims to offer more protection by design? SSL VPN (implementation example - OpenVPN) L2TP/IPSEC (implementation example - Strong Swan) After ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Differentiating between IKEv2 and OpenVPN Traffic

There is a WiFi network that I regularly use, and it seems to be blocking all VPN traffic other than IKEv2. I tested this by downloading many of the free/freemium VPN apps from the Google Play Store ...
vikarjramun's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Counter measures against traffic sniffing inside a LAN

Here's the problematic I'm stuck with, in the next months I'm going to move in, in a little house in France. For the network connectivity the house owner decides to buy a single internet connection. ...
C. Jizz's user avatar
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Does VPN secure the entire packet only?

If VPN encrypts the entire packet in the established tunnel, what is the difference between IPSec and VPN in this case? Can be both used in the same time? Thank you.
Alli's user avatar
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