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Debugging SUID for privilege escalation

When doing privilege escalation, assuming an application with the SUID set and a debugger, what stops us from starting a shell from within the debugger? I mean just write the shell code in an ...
alex10791's user avatar
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Trick needed to make use of a local buffer overflow vulnerability to obtain root

I am working on a certain CTF trying to gain root privileges in it, I found a vulnerable program to buffer overflow vulnerability with Non executable stack security level (NX), I developed an exploit ...
HAlmusajjen's user avatar
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Shell not always escalating privileges in narnia

I'm going through the various overthewire wargames and I have a question about narnia0. The code in c contains if(val==0xdeadbeef) system("/bin/sh"); else { printf("WAY OFF!!!!\n"); I got it to work ...
user3364161's user avatar
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Privilege escalation fails outside gdb

I have an application with the following source code: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int bof(char *str) { char buffer[12]; strcpy(buffer, str); ...
user2581671's user avatar