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Why Thunderbird has private IP address as remote host?

Why Mozilla Thunderbird configured to access Yahoo IMAP server, uses a private IP address, even if there is no other device in the network. Every time, Thunderbird is restarted, it changes remote-host ...
Jagjeet Sharma's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Man in the middle attack on loopback

We made a client/server program that runs at localhost. Is it possible to execute a man in the middle attack on the loopback between the client and server?
elli's user avatar
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SSL: How to send generated client certificate from server to avoid MITM?

The question I have is simply how do I prevent a MiTM attack on a certificate once the server side creates a new one and tries to send it to a client? Does the certificate get encrypted by rsa and ...
pandoragami's user avatar