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3 votes
2 answers

How does Shodan take screenshots from webcams which have authentication?

I just got my academic license for Shodan and I was playing around it. I noticed that when I use the has_screenshot:true filter it even shows screenshots from sites which requests authentication. How ...
Paulo Gomo's user avatar
22 votes
9 answers

Securing a LAN that has multiple exposed external Cat 6 cable runs?

We're evaluating putting in an IP-based CCTV system for a third-party upcoming project (part of a wider networking project). The CCTV system is cabled as follows: Cat 6 running from each external ...
sam's user avatar
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3 answers

China CCTV System UDP protocol isn't working

My boss is trying to invest on a CCTV solution that he orders from China, his idea is to market it here after we fine tune the process and configuration and make a few tweaks of our own. It consists ...
Antero Duarte's user avatar