Showing posts with label UTM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UTM. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


For intrepid travelers and adventurers, geographers, cartographers and those of you just interested in maps: here's an interesting site that explains - in simple terms and graphic depictions - the whole concept of the Magnetic North Pole and why magnetic declination changes over time and with location HERE

Also, HERE's a map software tool for creating customized Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) maps with terrain, contour lines, roads & man-made structures, etc . . .


Sunday, April 10, 2011


If you use maps and charts a lot in your work like I do - whether for navigation or survey purposes - you will find this information useful.

The U.S. Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) conveniently flattens the world out into 6° by 8° geographic areas, each of which is given a unique identification, called the Grid Zone Designation - essentially, 100,000-meter square "chessboards".

Latitude & Longitude vs UTM grids.

Each square is identified by two letters called tie 100,000-meter square identification. This identification is unique within the area covered by the Grid Zone Designation.

100,000 meter MGRS Square Designators

If you've spent more than a day in uniform, you already know this, and you've probably relied upon land navigation skills at least once in your life. For everybody else - to include the military guys - you must be aware that the world is becoming smaller, but yet at the same time increasingly more complex.

Back in the good old days a soldier could navigate and operate happily with a lensatic compass and a 1:50,000 mapsheet, nowadays navigational tools may include civilian GPS devices and 1:250,000 Joint Operational Graphic (JOG) charts - which give Lat / Long but no MGRS.

This tool allows you to convert a coordinate from latitude longitude, into MGRS (Military Grid Reference System) coordinates using the WGS 84 standard. Enter the LAT / LONG coordinates in decimal degrees (convert degree minutes seconds to decimal degrees).

Enough for one day? Today's Bird HERE
