a pile of pink crystals with the text reminder on it's back ground, which reads what is meant for you will find you be the energy you want to receive
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Daily Reminder: What is meant for you will find you. Be the energy you want to receive 💞 Hi✨ We’re Samantha and Amanda, two queer sister witches in Canada sharing our love for natural wellness and crystal healing. Come join us on our small biz journey: Instagram @snapdragonsoapworks Depop @thefairysbonnet 🤍 #crystals #crystalhealing #crystallove #crystalshop #crystalsandgemstones #crystalgifts #gemstones #gemstonesale #crystalwitch #greenwitchcraft #pagan #paganism #homedecorating #crystalwitch #greenwitchcraft #altar #reiki #reikihealing #meditation #spiritualgrowth


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