
54 Pins
A specialTattoo for a wanderer from 🇩🇪Germany by @DimonTATURIN 🇪🇪 VikingTattooArtist Sara, Danke @jourdan_s_ Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Vertrauen. . . . #heathen #heathentattoo #shamanictattoo #shamanic #shamanicspirit #pagan #paganlife #paganism #pagantattoo . #tattoopagan #paganwoman #pagangirl . #tallinntattoo #tattooestonia
Dark Feminine Tattoos: 133 Designs
Winged Fairy Tattoo on Back: Embrace the dark feminine aesthetic with this enchanting fairy tattoo. The intricate wings and delicate details make it a stunning choice for back tattoos. Save this pin and discover more at