Mythology - Muse

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Greek Mythology | The Muses Calliope - Epic Poetry, Urania - Astronomy, Polyhymnia - Hymns, Thalia - Comedy, Clio - History, Erato - Love Poetry, Euterpe - Lyric Poetry, Melpomene - Tragedy, Terpsichore - Dance :)
Lux Brumalis
the nine muses ll euterpe; muse of lyric poetry {5/9} EUTERPE was one of the nine Mousai, the goddesses of music, song and dance. In the Classical era, when the Mousai were assigned specific literary & artistic spheres, Euterpe was named Muse of lyric poetry. She was sometimes also referred to as the Muse of music. The flute is her instrument. Her name derives from the Greek words eu­ & terpô, meaning “giver of much delight" because she gives delight to those who hear her sing.
Lux Brumalis
the nine muses ll thalia; muse of comedy & idyllic poetry {7/9} THALEIA [Thalia] was one of the nine Mousai, who were the goddesses of music, song and dance. Thaleia was named muse of comedy and idyllic poetry. She is so named because men whose praises have been sung in poems flourish through long periods of time. In this guise she was portrayed with the attributes of comic mask, shepherd’s staff and wreath of ivy. 'Thaleia' means “rich festivity" or "blooming".
Set phasers to pun
greek mythology: the 9 muses
goal: make carrie fisher proud
This is a modern day representation of the Muses with descriptions of each goddess.
the nine muses ll melpomene; muse of tragedy {4/9} MELPOMENE was one of the nine Mousai (Muses), the goddesses of music, song and dance. Melpomene was named named Muse of Tragedy and in this guise she was oft portrayed holding a tragic mask or sword, and sometimes wearing a wreath of ivy and cothurnus boots. Melpomene was so named by the chanting by which she charmed her listeners and derived from the Greek verb melpô or melpomai; her name literally means"to celebrate with dance and song.
he looks up grinning like a devil
In Greek mythology, Calliope was the muse who presides over eloquence and epic poetry; so called from the ecstatic harmony of her voice and is believed to be Homer’s muse for the Iliad and the Odyssey.
The Nine Muses by wegs on DeviantArt
In ancient Greece, the 9 Muses were considered sources of knowledge and providers of inspiration to creators of literature and art. Almost everyone should still have a shrine to honor them... Calliope-muse of epic poetry Clio-muse of history Erato-muse of love poetry Euterpe-muse of music Melpomene-muse of tragedy Polymnia-muse of sacred poetry Terpsichore-muse of dance Thalia-muse o...
the nine muses ll kalliope; muse of epic poetry {1/9} KALLIOPE (Calliope), the eldest of the Mousai, was also the goddess of eloquence, who bestowed her gift on kings and princes. In the Classical era, when the Muses were assigned specific artistic spheres, Kalliope was named ‘Muse of epic poetry’. In this guise she was portrayed holding a tablet and stylus or a scroll. In older art she holds a lyre. Her name means “beautiful-voiced” from the Greek words kallos and ops.
the nine muses ll clio; muse of history {2/9} In the Classical era, when the Mousai were assigned specific literary and artistic spheres, KLEIO (Clio) was named Muse of history. In this guise she was represented holding an open scroll or seated beside a chest of books. Her name was derived from the Greek verb kleô, “to make famous” or “celebrate.” She was also considered by some as to be the goddess of poetry.