Jewelry making

32 Pins
The Best Silver Jewelry Cleaner Revealed
💍Natural Shine: Clean Jewelry & Silverware the Green Way!🍴
How to Clean Jewelry Naturally and Silverware Too - Mom 4 Real
💍Natural Shine: Clean Jewelry & Silverware the Green Way!🍴
How to Clean Jewelry Naturally and Silverware Too - Mom 4 Real
💍Natural Shine: Clean Jewelry & Silverware the Green Way!🍴
How to Clean Jewelry Naturally and Silverware Too - Mom 4 Real
💍Natural Shine: Clean Jewelry & Silverware the Green Way!🍴
How to Clean Jewelry Naturally and Silverware Too - Mom 4 Real
💍Natural Shine: Clean Jewelry & Silverware the Green Way!🍴
How to Clean Jewelry Naturally and Silverware Too - Mom 4 Real
💍Natural Shine: Clean Jewelry & Silverware the Green Way!🍴
WHAT DO YOU USE TO CLEAN JEWELRY AT HOME?Aluminum foil1 tablespoon of baking soda1 tablespoon of salt 1 tablespoon of dish liquid1 cup of warm waterBowlToothbrush
💍Natural Shine: Clean Jewelry & Silverware the Green Way!🍴
How to Clean Jewelry Naturally and Silverware Too - Mom 4 Real