Outdoors for Sarah

38 Pins
Backyard Sprinkler Park
Most of you know that I generally fill my summer up with construction projects around the house and for hire. This summer has been no different. I apologize for being absent from the blogosphere fo…
PVC Sprinkler = Summertime Fun
My dad made us one of these when we were kids. I thought he was a genius because that was WAAAAY before Pinterest!! - homemade sprinklers
Splash Pad Installations
Hours of backyard fun! My Splash Pad residential spray park. Fun, Safe and colorful water play for kids of all ages!
My Splash Pad & Make A Wish team up to grant wishes for residential splash pads
Jessica Rivera reviewed My Splash Pad — 5 star Review This is the first splash pad wish our chapter has ever granted. Needless to say, I was completely clueless on what needed to be done. When I reached out to John about helping us out with granting a wish he was so excited and jumped on board immediately!They made the entire process for us extremely easy and the end result was absolutely fantastic.They made a little girl very happy!!!You guys are the best!
Genius Outdoor Summer Ideas for Kids
Today I browsed Pinterest to find some fun outdoor summer activities for the kids! These are out-of-the-box ideas that you can make at home :) Use zip ties to put Christmas tree lights on the trampoline! This would make some fun summer nights for the kids, in fact, you might not be able to get …
DIY Tree Forts and Deck Bring Out the Neighborhood Kids
Instead of a treehouse, build a DIY tree fort. Kids love multiple entrances and exits!
Castle With Climbing Wall - Project code: PC070622
Castle With Climbing Wall - Project code: PC070622
Easy Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeder Craft
Reuse toilet paper cardboard rolls to make homemade DIY bird feeders. This is a great project for kids to do this spring or on Earth Day.
Dad Lays Out 4 Wooden Boards To Create An Incredible Fort For His Very Lucky 2-Year-Old
diy backyard toddler fort idea. Beautifully done!
Home - The Owner-Builder Network
How To Build A Cubby House From Reclaimed Fence Palings http://theownerbuildernetwork.co/a776 Is there any child who doesn’t like a fort or cubby house to play in? This western saloon would surely never be empty!