Yearbook Theme

paper: Weekly challenge: Take inspiraton from maps or globes | pretty paper. true stories. {and scrapbooking classes with cupcakes.}
weekly challenge: take inspiraton from maps or globes @ // layout by KIRSTY SMITH
Here's another adorable #yearinreview roadmap. This time from @doodlingdarling :green_heart: ・・・ I thought 2016 hasn't been my year until I drew this road map. Of course, there were road blocks and bumps along the road but looking back, I realised I do ha
4 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Travel Journal - Society19
A travel journal can be treasured when you look back on your adventures. Life is about the adventures you take; and the memories you make during the length of your vacation can be memories that last forever. There are various options on how to write a...
Paper Tales
These are some cards I made for the Crafty Vintage Market. I used to make a lot of cards like these but haven't made any for ...
20 Things That Need To Be In Your Travel Journal - Society19
20 Things That Need To Be In Your Travel Journal - Society19
Els blogs del dissabte. Amb àlbums de fotos
Qui més qui menys hem fet unes quantes fotos aquest estiu. Algunes són fotos d’un viatge, d’altres de vacances, d’una trobada familiar, d’una celebració… Hem buscat a …
Explore Mary Brack ~ www.mewithmyheadintheclouds.blogspot.'s photos on Flickr. Mary Brack ~ www.mewithmyheadintheclouds.blogspot. has uploaded 1207 photos to Flickr.
include a map with your route marked up | Flickr
Vroom Zoom Chugga Choo by Kristin Aagard Designs On the Road by Kristin Aagard Designs A Day Out...