Atlas shrugged

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If you haven't read 'Atlas Shrugged' and 'The Fountainhead', I envy you. I wish I was about to discover them for the first time...
Ayn Rand - Is Atlas Shrugging?
" The virtue involved in helping those one loves is not 'selflessness' or 'sacrifice,' but integrity." Ayn Rand
Get your FREE copy of "The Essential Federalist Papers"
Ayn Rand ~ Get your FREE copy of "The Essential Federalist Papers"
Everyone deserves a perfect world!
Probably my favorite ayn rand quote.
Ayn Rand on living by your own values and principles. #AynRand
ayn rand quote - Google Search
ayn rand quotes,
ayn rand quotes - Norton Safe Search
Young Conservatives is under construction
Ayn Rand ~ Atlas Shrugged quotes.~ ~ The rhetoric of socialism is so attractive and alluring, but the application of it is tragic.The problems we face as a nation is business in collusion with government. Our government is already far too large and getting all so much larger. Yet socialists call for more government. Denying the reality that government is not the solution. It is the problem!! ~ RADICAL Rational Americans Defending Individual Choice And Liberty
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others. (Ayn Rand)
the source book
Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand. It's really long, but completely worth it. Buy it in hard back, it's a keeper. Don't watch the movie.