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Tyr, Roushie

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Tyr (Roushie: Тыр; Cheenese: 特林; pinyin: Tèlín) is a settlement in Ulchsky Destrict o Khabarovsk Krai, Roushie, locatit on the richt bank o the Amur River, near the mooth o the Amgun River, aboot 100 kilometers (60 mi) upstream frae Nikolayevsk-on-Amur.

Tyr haes been kent as a historically Nivkh ("Gilyak") veelage, syne nae later than the mid-19t century.[1][2]

Tyr's main claim tae fame is that its location haed been visitit bi baith Yuan an Ming Dynasty expeditions, which sailed doun the Sungari an Amur Rivers tae establish a fuithauld in this region. Baith times the visitors built temples an monuments on the spectacular Tyr Cliff sooth o the day's settlement.

The remains o the Yuan era temple unearthed at the steid bi modren airchaeologists date tae the 1260s, while the twa Ming temples, built durin the Amur expeditions bi the admiral eunuch Yishiha, wur constructit in 1413 an 1433–1434, respectively.[3]

The Ming Dynasty stelae an a column, put at the Tyr cliff bi Yishiha, coud still be seen in situ bi the members o Roushie Amur expeditions in the 1850s,[2] but in the late the stelae wur muivit tae the Vladivostok Museum; a number o airchaeological excavations hae been conductit at the steid syne.[3][4]


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  1. Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary. Entry on Tyr (in Roushie)
  2. a b E. G. Ravenstein. The Russians on the Amur. London, 1861. (E. G. Ravenstein did not visit the area himself, but compiled his book based on the accounts of mostly Russian expeditions in the area from the 1850s)
  3. a b A. R. Artemyev. Archaeological sites of Yuan and Ming epochs in Transbaikalia and the Amur basin Archived 2012-06-09 at the Wayback Machine
  4. Объекты туризма — Археологические. Тырские храмы Archived 2009-09-03 at the Wayback Machine (Regional government site explaining the location of the Tyr (Telin) temples: just south of the Tyr village) (in Roushie)