Papers by Saeed Mirzavash Azar

We have studied the medicinal plants of Ghasemloo and then surveyed the usage percentage of diffe... more We have studied the medicinal plants of Ghasemloo and then surveyed the usage percentage of different parts from each specimen for the medicinal or diet consumptions at three sites from the adjacent villages of Ghasemloo valley, villages of West and East Azerbaijan including 17 questioners. During two years, the medicinal plants that have been collected and provided as herbarium specimens were recognized in 47 families, 124 genera and 149 species. Determining the life form was done by Raunckiaer criterion. Also, the Cultural Index (CI) and mean Cultural Importance of family (mCIf) were surveyed and analyzed by NTSYS-pc Ver. 2.02. The largest families are Asteraceae (n=18), Rosaceae (n=18), Fabaceae (n=11), Lamiaceae (n=11) and Brassicaceae (n=10) species. Hemi- cryptophytes (31.54%), Therophytes (22.15%), Phanerophytes (22.82%), Cryptophytes (10.74%) and Chamaephytes (12.75%) are the most important life forms of reserve. Four families namely Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Labiatae and Jugla...

Research Square (Research Square), Mar 29, 2023
Tuber uncinatum (Tuberaceae, Pezizales) is a commercially important ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal ... more Tuber uncinatum (Tuberaceae, Pezizales) is a commercially important ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal species associated with many deciduous EcM host species belonging to the Fagales lineage. Because of its host multiplicity among deciduous species, we hypothesized that it might associate with other plant lineages of Rosids as the most recent common ancestral of the ectomycorrhizae (MRCA-EcM) of Ulmaceae radiated preceding Fagaceae. The samples (host plant specimens, fungal ascomata, and soil) were from homogeneous Caucasian elm populations of the Hyrcanian temperate forests of Iran. Diagnosing the host plant was performed by using available botanical sources. The EcM symbiosis evidence and EcMF identity were illustrated by surveying gleba, spore shape, and EcM root anatomy using SEM, light, and stereo-microscopy, followed by molecular analysis. The micrographs obtained from root examination demonstrated the Hartig net penetration among cortical and epidermal cells and the presence of mantle as the EcM sheath. This study supports the EcM symbiosis of T. uncinatum with Zelkova carpinifolia from the Quaternary period in the Hyrcanian temperate forests.

Tuber uncinatum (Tuberaceae, Pezizales) is a commercially important ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal ... more Tuber uncinatum (Tuberaceae, Pezizales) is a commercially important ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal species associated with many deciduous EcM host species belonging to the Fagales lineage. Because of its host multiplicity among deciduous species, we hypothesized that it might associate with other plant lineages of Rosids as the most recent common ancestral of the ectomycorrhizae (MRCA-EcM) of Ulmaceae radiated preceding Fagaceae. The samples (host plant specimens, fungal ascomata, and soil) were from homogeneous Caucasian elm populations of the Hyrcanian temperate forests of Iran. Diagnosing the host plant was performed by using available botanical sources. The EcM symbiosis evidence and EcMF identity were illustrated by surveying gleba, spore shape, and EcM root anatomy using SEM, light, and stereo-microscopy, followed by molecular analysis. The micrographs obtained from root examination demonstrated the Hartig net penetration among cortical and epidermal cells and the presence of ma...

Tuber uncinatum (Tuberaceae, Pezizales) is a commercially important ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal ... more Tuber uncinatum (Tuberaceae, Pezizales) is a commercially important ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal species that associates with many deciduous EcM host species belonging to Fagales lineage. Because of its host multiplicity among deciduous species, we hypothesized that it may associate with other plant lineages including Rosids which is the most recent common ancestral of the ectomycorrhizae (MRCA-EcM) of Ulmaceae radiated prior to Fagaceae. The host plant specimens, ascomata and soil were collected from homogeneous Caucasian elm populationsof Hyrcanian temperate forests of Iran. Caucasian elm species diagnosis was performed using available botanical sources. The EcM symbiosis evidences and EcMF identity was illustrated by surveying gleba, spore shape and EcM root anatomy using SEM, light and stereo-microscopy, followed by molecular analysis. The micrographs obtained from root examination demonstrated the Hartig net penetration among cortical and epidermal cells and the presence of man...

Journal of Rangeland Science, 2012
We have studied the medicinal plants of Ghasemloo and then surveyed the usagepercentage of differ... more We have studied the medicinal plants of Ghasemloo and then surveyed the usagepercentage of different parts from each specimen for the medicinal or diet consumptions atthree sites from the adjacent villages of Ghasemloo valley, villages of West and EastAzerbaijan including 17 questioners. During two years, the medicinal plants that have beencollected and provided as herbarium specimens were recognized in 47 families, 124 generaand 149 species. Determining the life form was done by Raunckiaer criterion. Also, theCultural Index (CI) and mean Cultural Importance of family (mCIf) were surveyed andanalyzed by NTSYS-pc Ver. 2.02. The largest families are Asteraceae (n=18), Rosaceae(n=18), Fabaceae (n=11), Lamiaceae (n=11) and Brassicaceae (n=10) species. Hemicryptophytes(31.54%), Therophytes (22.15%), Phanerophytes (22.82%), Cryptophytes(10.74%) and Chamaephytes (12.75%) are the most important life forms of reserve. Fourfamilies namely Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Labiatae and Juglandaceae had a...
Romanian Journal of Biology - Plant Biology, 2017
Physiographic maps of Juniperus excelsa distribution including hypsometric, slope and direction m... more Physiographic maps of Juniperus excelsa distribution including hypsometric, slope and direction maps have been carried out at the scale of 1:8854 in the studied area by ArcView 3.2a. To study the field, Braun-Blanquet method was used. Sample plots located as a randomly systematic method used quadrate minimum area (40 40m 2). The relationship between qualitative and quantitative species features and ecological properties were determined using CCA ordination method through PC-ORD Ver.4. The establishment of species had positive correlation with slope degree and direction, soil texture, pH and altitude. Sorensen similarity index surveyed between communities which contained Juniperus excelsa species using NTSYS-pc Ver.2.02e.

Journal of Rangeland Science, 2012
We have studied the medicinal plants of Ghasemloo and then surveyed the usage percent of differen... more We have studied the medicinal plants of Ghasemloo and then surveyed the usage percent of different parts from each specimen as drug or diet consumption at three sites from adjacent villages of Ghasemloo valley, villages of West and East Azerbaijan including 17 questioners. Enduring two years the medicinal plants collected and after provided as a herbarium specimens were recognized in 47 families, 124 genera and 149 species. Determining the life form was done by Raunckiaer criterion. Also the cultural index (CI) and mean cultural importance of family (mCIf) were surveyed and analyzed by NTSYS-pc Ver.2.02. The largest families are Asteraceae (n=18), Rosaceae (n=18), Fabaceae (n=11), Lamiaceae (n=11) and Brassicaceae (n=10) species. Hemi-cryptophytes (31.54%), Therophytes (22.15%), Phanerophytes (22.82%), Cryptophytes (10.74%) and Camaephytes (12.75%) are the most important life forms of reserve. Four families namely Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Labiatae and Juglandaceae had considerable mCIf. The majority from ten surveyed endemic species indicated considerable cultural index (CI). The studied region includes 0.77% of all the endemic species of Iran and this issue confirms the necessity to protect this region more than ever. Thus conservation of endemic specimens of this region seems necessary.
Papers by Saeed Mirzavash Azar