Papers by Kambiz Abachizadeh

PubMed, 2019
Background: Clinical governance, as a program to improve the quality of health care, was introduc... more Background: Clinical governance, as a program to improve the quality of health care, was introduced in all hospitals in Iran in 2009. However, implementation assessments revealed that the program was not adopted in many hospitals. This study aimed to determine and prioritize barriers to clinical governance program implementation in hospitals of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This qualitative study was performed in the first part of this exploratory mixed methods study. A purposive sample of 25 individuals who were involved in the implementation of the program was selected. They participated in semi-structured interviews and the data were analyzed using content analysis. In the second part (quantitative), a questionnaire was prepared based on the first phase of the study, and 74 stakeholders completed the questionnaire, which included all extracted obstacles to the establishment of clinical governance. They rated these obstacles with a 5-point Likert scale. Results: A total of 9 themes were discovered in the qualitative part of the study. These themes were prioritized as follow: (1) weak organizational leadership, (2) insufficient human resources, (3) inappropriate organizational culture, (4) inadequate financial resources, (5) insufficient knowledge of personnel and management, (6) inappropriate monitoring and evaluation, (7) lack of coordination (8) deficiencies in policies and procedures, and (9) incomplete registration system and inadequate documentation. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that significant barriers exist in implementation of the clinical governance program in hospitals. These problems have to be addressed in order for the implementation procedure to be successful.

Background and Objective: Anticipating future incidence of cancer would have a fundamental role i... more Background and Objective: Anticipating future incidence of cancer would have a fundamental role in cancer planning and policy making in upcoming years. Therefore regarding to present situation and anticipating future trends affecting the upcoming 10 years such as demographic transition and changing of related risk factors, it is necessary to outline the cancer situation in the next 10 years. Materials and Methods: Our study based on a review approach and existing fore sighting documents, especially GLOBOCAN 2012 and study of “projection of burden of diseases in Iran to 2025”, projects cancer situation of Iran in 2025. Results: According to modeling and due to trend of demographic change and promoting life expectancy in Iran, incidence of cancer (except non-melanoma skin cancers) will increase from 84800 in 2012 to 129700 in 2025.Actulally there will be a 35% rise in cancer incidence. The percentage of cancer incidence rise will be 33% in males (from 44838 patients in 2012 to 66642 in 2025) and 37% in females (from 39991 in 2012 to 63067 in 2025). A 52% increase in cancer incidence will be related to people younger than 65 and 48% to people above 65 years old. The increasing rate will be 34% for breast cancer, 37% for colorectal, 37% for lung, 38% for stomach, 39% for esophageal cancers, and 28% for leukemia. Conclusion: The increase in cancer incidence percentage till 2025 in Iran is Significant in compare with the world. This increasing rate is much less in Europe. It should be mentioned that the trend of non-communicable risk factors such as physical inactivity; overweight and obesity; and smoking is undesirable and lack of attention to control of these factors leads to more problematic situation in future.

PubMed, 2011
Objective: The aim of this study was to draw a set of priority areas of cancer research in order ... more Objective: The aim of this study was to draw a set of priority areas of cancer research in order to utilize these priorities as broader policy for decision-making on a comprehensive cancer control program at the national level in Iran. Materials and methods: A steering committee consisting of scientists from the three major areas of clinical, basic research and public health sciences recommended a qualitative study of ranking an exhaustive outlines of cancer science topics by cancer scientists throughout country. Scientists were identified through Medline search and contacting cancer research centers all over the country. An exhausting outline of cancer science topics was modified and posed to Iranian cancer scientists. Doing research on each outlined topic was judged based on its state of being necessary, appropriate, practical or yielding in the Iranian societal context. An electronic system of communication was developed and all scientists were asked to rank each topic based in order of 1 to 5. As the areas of expertise of scientists were diverse, the participants had the option to rank the outlined topics that they think suitable to their areas. Results: Out of 135 identified scientists, 108 participated of whom 56 were clinicians (M.D's with university appointment), 35 basic scientists and 17 epidemiologists and public health scientists. As the top first five areas of research priorities, the overall assessment indicated as research topics: 1) cancer surveillance and registration as the first priority; followed by 2) exogenous factors in the origin and cause of cancer; 3) surveillance--patient care and survivorship issues; 4) issues of end-of-life care; and 5) cost analyses and health care delivery of cancer services. Conclusion: The study concluded that research on infrastructure of cancer control programs, cancer registration, service delivery and patient quality of life bears higher priority in Iran.

HIV disease is not only a health problem, but also is a social and cultural challenge. It signifi... more HIV disease is not only a health problem, but also is a social and cultural challenge. It significantly makes patients vulnerable and hinders them from sufficient treatment. A better understanding of social outcomes, difficulties, and demands of HIV-infected patients considerably facilitates planning to support them. The aim of this study was to explore perceptions of HIV/AIDS patients about social outcomes of the disease. In this qualitative study, using conventional content analysis approach, participants selected through purposeful sampling method. They were HIV-infected patients who referred to a selected behavioral disorders clinic affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Maximum variation (e. g age, sex, route of infection, disease duration, and education level) was the criterion for selecting participants, and sampling was continued until data saturation. Semi structured interview, which were designed based on literature review, was employed in this study in order to data generation. Two researchers verified the truth worthiness of data using parallel analysis of data, their sampling method, and steps of investigation. 14 patients participated in this study. Analysis of data showed 5 social outcomes including life difficulties, uncertainty, enduring of life with HIV, need for common perception and treatment compliance. According to the findings of this study, it is concluded that informing public activities are less than required rate and individual counseling and sectional information may not be a good solution to the community needs including complete awareness of social outcomes of HIV/AIDS, preventive methods and disease transmission.

International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2018
Background: Smoking is a modifiable risk factor for noncommunicable diseases with a wide range of... more Background: Smoking is a modifiable risk factor for noncommunicable diseases with a wide range of harmful health outcomes. Identification of sociodemographic characteristics of smokers can be a guideline to development of effective intervention proportional to target population. This study aimed to determine smoking pattern and its associated sociodemographic factors in Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted based on data from the sixth round of nationwide STEPwise approach to Surveillance (STEPS) survey in the 31 provinces of Iran. A total of 10,834 participants aged ≥15 years were selected through a multistage cluster sampling method. Collecting data was performed via three-step questionnaire (ecological, behavioral risk factors, and physical and biochemical measurements). Data analysis was performed via Epi Info and then SPSS version 21 softwares using descriptive methods and analytical tests. Results: Of all participants, 9.6% were current cigarette smokers, which was significantly more frequent among men than women (21.5% vs. 1.1%, respectively, P < 0.001). Smoking was significantly associated with being self-employed and having under diploma education level (P < 0.05). Of all current cigarette smokers, 8.7% were daily smokers. The mean ± standard deviation of systolic blood pressure and history of cardiovascular symptoms in current smokers were higher than nonsmokers (P = 0.005 and P < 0.001, respectively). Coughing for >4 weeks, frequent wheezing, and shortness of breath were significantly more frequent in current smokers than nonsmokers (P < 0.001, P < 0.001, and P = 0.02, respectively). Conclusions: Our results draw a picture of sociodemographic distribution of smoking pattern to determine the specific characteristics of the target population affecting cigarette smoking and identified specific demographic strategies for preventive and control action plan.
Mathews journal of nursing and health care, Jul 5, 2017

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2016
Background and Objective: To achieve overall human health, social health in recent decades has be... more Background and Objective: To achieve overall human health, social health in recent decades has been considered as one of the main health dimensions. Defining and measurement social health of any society varies according to its situation. By determining and measuring its characteristics, social health status of society is determined to make evidence-based interventions. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in two phases of qualitative and quantitative. In qualitative phase, framework and indicators were extracted by literature review. In quantitative phase, the information of provinces was obtained from official sources. The final indicators were extracted by expert's opinions about the importance and accuracy of the information respectively. Through standardization of individual indicators and using additive model, total score of social health is calculated and then provinces were ranked. Using ArcGIs software, geographical view of social health was constructed. Results: Based on composite index including 39 indicators, the most important characteristics of a healthy society is a society where there are no drug use, child labor, divorce, unemployment academics, discipline and inadequate care for children and smoking. Yazd had highest social health and "Sistan and Baluchestan" Province won the last rank. Conclusion: This study draws a complete view of the province's social health as an important tool for evidence based policy making. It is suggested that for monitoring future trends, similar studies should be conducted every 3-5 years.

Hakim Research Journal, Oct 15, 2011
Introduction: At first conference of health promotion in Ottawa in 1986, rearrangement of health ... more Introduction: At first conference of health promotion in Ottawa in 1986, rearrangement of health providing services, especially hospitals, was intro duced as a main strategy in health promotion. Healt h promoting hospitals project had been also proposed by the World Health Organization a decade before. According to the project, hospitals should have hea lt promoting and disease preventing activities. In Iran, preventive services have not been defined as hospit al tasks and most efforts in hospitals are for med ical treatment and rehabilitation. The purpose of this s tudy was to recognize various components of clinica l preventive services in Taleghani hospital in Tehran . Methods: In this qualitative study, 20 professionals and exp erts were interviewed using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using content analysis . Results: Main themes extracted from the interviews consiste d of: 1) challenges and barriers of clinical preventive services; 2) role of clinic of preventio in hospitals; 3) human recourses; 4) information recourses; 5) insurance system; 6) receiving and pe rusing patients; and 7) educating personnel. Conclusion: Providing preventive services is a perspective of future hospitals. Important necessities for implementation of these services in our country are description of the service packages, designing ne cessary structures, and training human recourses in this fi eld.

Novelty in Biomedicine, Oct 28, 2015
Background: Happiness as one of the main positive health indicators has drawn more attention in r... more Background: Happiness as one of the main positive health indicators has drawn more attention in recent years among policy makers and health system managers. There are few studies performed to measure happiness in population-based settings in Iran. In response to this need, our study tends to assess Iranians subjective happiness in Tehran, Capital city of Iran. Materials and Methods: Present study was conducted in Tehran, Capital of Iran, with more than 7 Million populations in January 2013, using a two-step approach. In first step c conceptual framework of Iranians' happiness was developed. In the second phase of study, a survey recruiting 700 participants was conducted. Stratified cluster sampling method was employed. Participants were recruited from all the 22 municipal divisions of Tehran as strata, proportional to the population size and its gender and age distribution. Happiness was measure by a 40-item questionnaire with scores ranged among 40 to 200. Results: Conceptual framework of Iranians' happiness based on reviewed documents and consensus building process was the product of first step. At second step, from a pool of 700 persons, 696 (97%) agreed to participate and filled out the questionnaire completely. The mean of happiness score was 143.9 (95% confidence interval, 142.5 to 145.4). The results show that the happiness score of jobless people (135.1, 95%CI: 128.1-142.0) and widowed singles (126.6, 95%CI: 113.0-140.2) were significantly lower than other corresponding groups. There was no significant association between gender, age group, educational level as determinants and happiness. Conclusion: Happiness level of Tehranians is somewhat higher than the moderate level. This finding is consistent with findings of other conducted studies in country. However, it is not consistent with some of international reports of happiness, For instance, Happy Planet Index. Due to inadequate information, it is necessary to conduct more research to measure subjective happiness and its determinants, specially, in a nationwide approach.

Salāmat-i ijtimā̒ī, 2015
Background and Objective: Cancers are one of the most important public health issues and the thir... more Background and Objective: Cancers are one of the most important public health issues and the third leading cause of mortality after cardiovascular diseases and injuries in Iran. The most common cancers reported in the recent years have been included skin, stomach, breast, colon, bladder, leukemia, and esophagus respectively. Control of cancer as one of the three main health system priorities of Iran, needs a specific roadmap and clear task definition for involved organizations. This study provides stakeholder analysis include determining the roles of Ministry of Health and Medical Education as the custodian of the national health and the duties of other beneficiary organizations to reduce the risk of cancer for cooperation with a scientific approach and systematic methodology. Materials and Methods: This health system research project was performed by participation of

Background and Objectives: As the most common neoplasm among females and the second most common c... more Background and Objectives: As the most common neoplasm among females and the second most common cancer globally, breast cancer imposes enormous costs on health systems. This study aims to estimate levels of breast cancer in Iran and provinces, and examine correlates of incidence of breast cancer, focusing on place of residence, using the most recent nationally available data. Material and Methods: This study is based on a total of 8333 breast cancer cases (259 males and 8074 females) registered by Iran Cancer Registration System during a Persian year (March 21th 2009 through March 20th 2010). Complementary demographic data about the study population was obtained from the 2011 National Census, conducted by Iranian Statistical Center. The Age-Standardized Rate (ASR) of breast cancer was estimated for the overall population, the capital city of provinces, large metropolitan areas, and four categories of provinces located in the north, south, east, west, and center of Iran. Results: Onl...

Novelty in Biomedicine, 2015
Background: Happiness as one of the main positive health indicators has drawn more attention in r... more Background: Happiness as one of the main positive health indicators has drawn more attention in recent years among policy makers and health system managers. There are few studies performed to measure happiness in population-based settings in Iran. In response to this need, our study tends to assess Iranians subjective happiness in Tehran, Capital city of Iran. M aterials and Methods: Present study was conducted in Tehran, Capital of Iran, with more than 7 Million populations in January 2013, using a two-step approach. In first step c conceptual framework of Iranians’ happiness was developed. In the second phase of study, a survey recruiting 700 participants was conducted. Stratified cluster sampling method was employed. Participants were recruited from all the 22 municipal divisions of Tehran as strata, proportional to the population size and its gender and age distribution. Happiness was measure by a 40-item questionnaire with scores ranged among 40 to 200. R es ults: Conceptual fr...

Salāmat-i ijtimā̒ī, 2015
Background and Objective: Cancers are one of the most important public health issues and the thir... more Background and Objective: Cancers are one of the most important public health issues and the third leading cause of mortality after cardiovascular diseases and injuries in Iran. The most common cancers reported in the recent years have been included skin, stomach, breast, colon, bladder, leukemia, and esophagus respectively. Control of cancer as one of the three main health system priorities of Iran, needs a specific roadmap and clear task definition for involved organizations. This study provides stakeholder analysis include determining the roles of Ministry of Health and Medical Education as the custodian of the national health and the duties of other beneficiary organizations to reduce the risk of cancer for cooperation with a scientific approach and systematic methodology. Materials and Methods : This health system research project was performed by participation of Social Determinants of Health Research Center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Office of the Non...
Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences, 2011
1PhD in Health Services Administration, Tehran University of Medical Science, Head of Performance... more 1PhD in Health Services Administration, Tehran University of Medical Science, Head of Performance Monitoring and Budgeting Center, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran. 2MSc in Economics, Expert of Performance Monitoring and Budgeting Center, Minstry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran. 3Assistant Professor, Department of Social Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran. ___________________________________________________________________________ Abstract

Journal of Knee Surgery, 2010
Suction drains provide an easy and feasible method for controlling hemorrhage after total knee ar... more Suction drains provide an easy and feasible method for controlling hemorrhage after total knee arthroplasty. However, there has been no compromise regarding the optimum clamping time for these drains. We conducted a randomized clinical trial in 50 patients to compare 12-hour drain clamping and continuous drainage after total knee arthroplasty in terms of wound complications, blood loss, and articular arc of motion. To eliminate any other factor except duration of clamping, we chose to compare only knees belonging to a single patient and to restrict the study to those knees undergoing surgery due to osteoarthritis. From a total of 100 knees (50 patients) studied, the 12-hour-clamping method resulted in a significantly smaller amount of postoperative blood loss (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001). The passive ranges of motion and wound complications were not significantly different between the two groups.
Journal of Dental …, 2009
... Page 3. (WAV aIL^J if Û;U-1 tX\ Ùtfï) /jl JlJ jJU^J íjçLJjIj^lJ OUjb&amp;gt; a fJ^Jj yJ P... more ... Page 3. (WAV aIL^J if Û;U-1 tX\ Ùtfï) /jl JlJ jJU^J íjçLJjIj^lJ OUjb&amp;gt; a fJ^Jj yJ P?^ ^1л*ХоЪ j-XJjJuJIjJJ &amp;gt;Ub|u ¿ju_^e ¿l_ea3¿ V* &amp;#x27; *ì ô~{.)&amp;#x27;fi ^îr*^ ° 0¿¿J ¿jJjjJ ¿É-L^JU ajli aI &amp;lt;Lj С*-^£д £*ju &amp;lt;L_5 J^jJjjj^* ojIíülJ JJbLi ... jJ AaJU üb o Ai ц *«f д .(Ì?) júÍ a^í-oj lj ¿ujL pji aj! ...

Background: Based on WHO (World Health Organization) definition of 'health' as an asset, ... more Background: Based on WHO (World Health Organization) definition of 'health' as an asset, not merely the absence of disease or disability, positive health indicators has fast become a key concern of health system. Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess self-perceived social health and happiness of Iranian medical students. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at a public medical school in 2015. The target population of the study was all students from three educational levels (basic science students, externs and interns). Social health was assessed by a scale in three domains named as 'community', 'family', and 'friends and relatives', containing 33 questions with a series of declarative items providing a total score of social health ranging from 33-165. To measure happiness a 40 item questionnaire was used. Responses to each item were given on a fivepoint Likert style scale. The score of items were added up to provide the whole sco...

Current Opinion in Urology, 1999
To investigate the association of benign prostatic enlargement and health-related quality of life... more To investigate the association of benign prostatic enlargement and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) assessed by validated questionnaires. Randomly selected men (n = 471) aged 40-79 years from Olmsted County, Minn. (USA) without prior prostate surgery or prostate cancer had a full urologic workup, including transrectal ultrasonography, in addition to completing questionnaires soliciting information about urinary symptom frequency, bother, degree of interference with daily activities and other measures of HRQoL. Disease-specific HRQoL was worse in older men, and men with more severe symptoms. Age-adjusted mean scores for symptom severity, bother and activity interference were about 50% worse for men with enlarged prostates (volume &amp;amp;gt; 40 cm3). After adjusting for age, men with enlarged prostates were nearly 3 times (95% CI 1.6, 5.1) as likely to have moderate to severe symptoms, and about twice as likely to have bother (odds ratio 2.4; 95% CI 1.3, 4.2) or activity interference (odds ratio 1.8; 95% CI 1. 0, 3.2) relative to men with smaller prostates. HRQoL measures are worse in men who are older and, after adjusting for age, in men with increased urinary symptom frequency and enlarged prostate. The broader spectrum of patients provided by the community-based random sampling allows elucidation of these important relationships.

Background: Health promotion in occupational and educational environments contributes to the impr... more Background: Health promotion in occupational and educational environments contributes to the improvement and higher efficiency of the people affected by them. The health status of medical students as future providers of health services has great importance. This study aimed to evaluate health promotion standards in the school of medicine at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This cross-sectional study evaluated health promotion standards of school of medicine using a questionnaire filled out by medical students in 2020. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed. The questionnaire measured health promotion standards in the fields of healthy nutrition, facilities for proper physical activity, providing a healthy environment for students, adequate education for health promotion and disease prevention. Analytical and statistical tests were performed using IBM SPSS 23 software. Results: Among 340 medical students participated in the study 31.8...
Papers by Kambiz Abachizadeh