Papers by carlos caballero
The study of economic inequality in preindustrial economies has received recent attention by econ... more The study of economic inequality in preindustrial economies has received recent attention by economic historians, who have tried to unlock the mysteries of the left side of the Kuznets curve. This paper will try to shed some light on the debate providing new estimations of economic inequality in the province of Madrid using a sample of rural locations around the capital. Estimates of inequality are based on fiscal records that are demonstrated in this paper to be adequate source for measuring differentials in wealth and income across individuals. We will offer not just an overview of the changes in economic inequality in the long run, but will also provide enough periodicity in our calculations to observe short and middle term changes to capture better the connection between changes in inequality and the economic cycle. The initial results seem to indicate that economic inequality in the province of Madrid rose between 1500 and 1840, although the pattern was not a linear one and was...
International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies, 2013
The last several decades have seen a growing trend in incorporating pedagogic conversational agen... more The last several decades have seen a growing trend in incorporating pedagogic conversational agents in interactive learning environments. Software systems have increasingly integrated intelligent virtual agents that can interact with students in natural language to fulfill specific tasks such as reviewing content or providing tutor training. The use of an agent-based approach in education has shown many benefits. However, certain design and development issues are still unresolved. This article focuses on the potentials of employing conceptual models to generate agent-student dialog and introduces a new mixed-initiative general domain agent called JARO. The authors report on the procedure for creating the initial conceptual model and discuss its use in guiding agent-student conversations adapted to students' individual learning needs. The stages of implementation of the model as well as the model's viability tested in a proof-of-concept experiment are addressed.
IDS Bulletin, 2009
Throughout its history, Colombia has been marked by different forms of violence. The involvement ... more Throughout its history, Colombia has been marked by different forms of violence. The involvement of children as soldiers is a phenomenon that recurs across generations. This article asks how the methodology governing social interventions should be designed so that it becomes possible to interrupt the circuits that lead to the intergenerational reproduction of violence. It reports on a human rights training aimed at children who are no longer active participants in Colombia's armed conflict. The project incorporated an educational approach and a social psychology focus which, taken together, were able to make progress towards overcoming the effects of violence. The article seeks to show the importance of intuition and the coming together of different areas of knowledge in the educational and social psychology models the project employed. A strong focus on active therapeutic listening has been particularly important.
Revista de investigación …
En esta investigación se examinan las relaciones entre el bienestar psicológico, la asertividad y... more En esta investigación se examinan las relaciones entre el bienestar psicológico, la asertividad y el rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de Facultades representativas de las diversas áreas de estudio de la Universidad de San Marcos. Para ello, se utilizó la Escala de ...
This paper studies the effects of trade and inequality in central Spain during the eighteenth cen... more This paper studies the effects of trade and inequality in central Spain during the eighteenth century, taking as case study the province of Guadalajara and the surrounding regions. The first part of the paper presents a specific factors model as theoretical framework that will later be applied to the empirical data. The second part introduces an analysis of income inequality in the province during the eighteenth century and concludes that inequality decreased, especially during the last third of the century. Finally the paper addresses this unexpected result and concludes that it was consequence of the success of the land reform carried out by the central government in the late 1760s. The reform was a success in Guadalajara thanks to the characteristics of its population and the lack of bargaining power of pressure groups. Following Sen’s ideas, the reduction in inequality meant that markets could work properly and that a majority and not only a few could take full advantage of the ...
La Municipalidad de Quetzaltenango ha sido implicada durante los últimos doce años en innumerable... more La Municipalidad de Quetzaltenango ha sido implicada durante los últimos doce años en innumerables actos de corrupción y manejos de fondos en forma ilícita. Un plan de prevención para evitar seguir incurriendo reiteradamente en las inobservancias legales se hace impostergable. El presente documento contiene algunas ideas que podrían ser enriquecidas para neutralizar a todos aquellos empleados y funcionarios con patologías criminales en la administración municipal.
Como otros importantes aspectos personales, la limpieza no se puede dar por supuesta. Los anciano... more Como otros importantes aspectos personales, la limpieza no se puede dar por supuesta. Los ancianos la ponen en guardia, sobre aquello que ni aun sus mejores amigos le quieren decir, si molesta por el mal aliento u olor a sudor. Y, si alguien se lo dice, no se siente azarada. Para ser, desde ahora, como la mujer del cesar, ireprochable, asegurese bañándose a diario. Evite el agua demasiado fría o caliente. Use un jabon suave y enjuagese luego completamente. Termine con agua fría o tibia para que le cierren los poros.
Que todas las unidades ejecutoras, entiéndase ONG´s, Municipalidades u otras atinentes, deben obs... more Que todas las unidades ejecutoras, entiéndase ONG´s, Municipalidades u otras atinentes, deben observar obligatoriamente lo estatuído por el Acuerdo Ministerial del Ministerio de Finanzas, número 24-2010 de fecha 22 de abril de 2010, el cual se encontraba en suspenso, hasta este lunes 23 de mayo 2011, en virtud de SENTENCIA FIRME DE LA CORTE DE CONSTITUCIONALIDAD EXP. 1722-2010 que impone de obligado cumplimiento el artículo 1 del referido ACUERDO…
Papers by carlos caballero