Papers by Mustafa Kutanis

Genel olarak yapilarin zemin kat yukseklikleri ticari amaclardan dolayi normal katlara nazaran da... more Genel olarak yapilarin zemin kat yukseklikleri ticari amaclardan dolayi normal katlara nazaran daha yuksek bir sekilde insa edilmektedir. Bu calismada ornek olarak secilen bir betonarme yapi icin zemin kat yuksekliginin degisiminin yapi performansina etkisi incelenmistir. Bu calismada ornek olarak secilen betonarme bina icin zemin kat yuksekligi 4m, 5m ve 6m secilmis ve bu degerlere gore yapinin performans hesaplamasi yapilmistir. Elde edilen sonuclar karsilastirilarak oneriler yapilmistir. Zemin kat yuksekligi arttikca meydana gelen tepe yer degistirme talepleri artmis ancak yapi taban kesme kuvveti azalmistir. Analizlerden elde edilen yapi cokme mekanizmalari, depremde yumusak kattan dolayi olusan gercekci cokme mekanizmalari ile benzesmektedir. Depreme dayanikli yapi tasarimi dikkate alinarak mumkun oldugu kadar esit kat yuksekligi secilmelidir. Bu calismada yumusak kat olusumuna sebebiyet veren faktorlerden biri olan zemin kat yuksekliginin etkisi dikkate alinmistir.

The probabilistic seismic hazard curves were based on appropriate attenuation relationships at ro... more The probabilistic seismic hazard curves were based on appropriate attenuation relationships at rock sites with a probability of exceedance of 10% in 50 years in this study. Results from the model were compared to the response spectra proposed in Section 7 of TEC ‘07 and were found to di er in both amplitude and frequency content. The impact of these di erences has been investigated with respect to building performance evaluation. Specifically, modal capacity diagrams and response spectra have been obtained for five buildings. Based on the diagrams and spectra, peak displacements have been calculated as well, revealing significant di erences in the demand displacement curves of the buildings. As a result, damage estimates and predicted building performance will deviate from site specific performance to a greater degree. Using site-specific spectra and field data will be important for future earthquake-resistant design. One of the conclusions of the study is that the Code spectra do n...
A seismic safety assessment of the two reinforced concrete buildings, located in Sarajevo, Bosnia... more A seismic safety assessment of the two reinforced concrete buildings, located in Sarajevo, Bosnia territory, is conducted in respect to ATC-40 method. Within the framework of the performance based earthquake engineering, at the first stage, seismo-tectonic setting of the territory was discussed, then, by using historical seismicity of the region, the seismic hazard analysis for the Sarajevo City in Bosnia is performed in probabilistic manner. The site specific uniform hazard spectra at 5% damping for 475-year return period is employed as an earthquake demand. Then building stock information of Bosnia and Herzegovina is discussed. Lastly, two typical modern building’s performance assessments are carried out
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 6, 2016
Bu çalışınada, dinaınik zemin yapı etkileşimi sonlu eleınanlar yöntenliyle incelenmiştir. Örnek o... more Bu çalışınada, dinaınik zemin yapı etkileşimi sonlu eleınanlar yöntenliyle incelenmiştir. Örnek olarak. alınan yapı. . dört değişik şekilde ele alınıruştır. Ilk olarak yapı teıuelinin, zemin yüzeyinde oturduğu dunıın için çözüın yapılınıştır. İkinci olarak, yapı

The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effect of foundation flexibility and up... more The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effect of foundation flexibility and uplift on the seismic response of building structures located in downtown Adapazari, where substantial geotechnical effects occurred during the earthquake. To perform the analysis, the basic data about the soil conditions at the site was collected from subsoil investigation reports that were compiled by various government agencies, local public body and private consultants. The geotechnical model included a nonlinear representation of the soil material below the mat foundation. This foundation model could accommodate both uplift and plastic yielding of the soil material. The superstructure was idealized as a typical R/C frame structure subjected to the E-W component of 17 August 1999 Marmara earthquake recorded at SKR station in Adapazari. The authors performed the analysis using the nonlinear computer program Drain-2DX.

The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effect of foundation flexibility and up... more The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effect of foundation flexibility and uplift on the seismic response of building structures located in downtown Adapazari, where substantial geotechnical effects occurred during the earthquake. To perform the analysis, the basic data about the soil conditions at the site was collected from subsoil investigation reports that were compiled by various government agencies, local public body and private consultants. The geotechnical model included a nonlinear representation of the soil material below the mat foundation. This foundation model could accommodate both uplift and plastic yielding of the soil material. The superstructure was idealized as a typical R/C frame structure subjected to the E-W component of 17 August 1999 Marmara earthquake recorded at SKR station in Adapazari. The authors performed the analysis using the nonlinear computer program Drain-2DX.

Turkiye genelinde mevcut binalarin cok buyuk bir kismi yeterli emniyete sahip degildir. Bu calism... more Turkiye genelinde mevcut binalarin cok buyuk bir kismi yeterli emniyete sahip degildir. Bu calismada, sismik acidan oldukca hareketli olan Vangolu Havzasinda yer alan Bitlis ili, Merkez ilcesinde bulunan betonarme yapi stogunun degerlendirilmesi P25 hizli tarama yontemi ile gerceklestirilmistir. Bal vd. tarafindan gelistirilen yontem kullanilarak yapilari incelemek ve bu inceleme sonucunda yapilarin depreme karsi dayanimi ile ilgili mumkun oldugunca hizli ve guvenilir sonuclara ulasmak hedeflenmektedir. Bu yontemle Bitlis Ilindeki betonarme yapi stogu hizli bir bicimde degerlendirilmis ve tehlike arz eden binalar belirlenerek daha detayli bir degerlendirmeye tabi tutulmalari soncuna ulasilmistir. Degerlendirme yapilirken Bitlis kentsel yerlesim alanlarini olusturan her mahalleden yapi ornekleri alinarak hesaplamalar yapilmistir. P25 hizli degerlendirme yonteminde incelenen toplam 94 adet binanin %50’sinin gocmeyecegi; %46’si icin analiz yapilmasi gerektigi ve %4’u icin gocme riski...
Bu calisinada, dinainik zemin yapi etkilesimi sonlu eleinanlar yontenliyle incelenmistir. Ornek o... more Bu calisinada, dinainik zemin yapi etkilesimi sonlu eleinanlar yontenliyle incelenmistir. Ornek olarak alinan yapi.. dort degisik sekilde ele alinirustir. Ilk olarake yapi teiuelinin, zeminyuzeyinde oturdugu duniin icin cozuin yapilinistir. Ikinci olarak, yapi teinelinine i:eininicine goinulu oldugu ornegi inceleninistir. Daha sonra_ yapi. zeinin faktoru hesaba katilarak. dognidan zemine rijit olarak mesnetlendigi ve son olarak da Leniin mekanik ozellikJerinin yaylardau olusan mesnetlere donusturulmesiyle olusturulan modelin analizi yapilinistir. Sonuclar sekil ve tablolar halinde verilmistir.
In this paper, a variation of the FEM which is so-called general substructure method is carried o... more In this paper, a variation of the FEM which is so-called general substructure method is carried out for analysis of response of structures to earthquake ground motion. The interaction forcedisplacement relationship is calculated by using the consistent infinitesimal finite element cell method. Assembling the interaction force-displacement relationship of the unbounded soil medium with the equation of motion of the structure leads to the basic equations of the total dynamic system. To solve these equations in time domain, a fortran code is developed. As a result, irregular bounded medium material inhomogeneities can be processed and nonlinearity of soil can be consistently taken into account. To verify the studies, a two dimensional, plain strain, soil structure interaction system is solved in time domain. At the end, set of numerical results are presented and discussed.
The seismic risk to urban building stock in Turkey is gaining in importance due to very high seis... more The seismic risk to urban building stock in Turkey is gaining in importance due to very high seismic hazard combined with its vulnerable and densely populated building stock. The research oriented on the eastern part of Turkey, where seismic sources and the level of seismic hazard are different, is presented in the paper. The results of the research show that the seismic safety of civil buildings is highly compromised even in this part of the country, and that expected losses are high and attain the level of "non-tolerable" losses. Economic losses and fatalities are also estimated in the paper, in case of realization of some of the expected scenarios.
Journal of the Croatian Association of Civil Engineers, 2017
The seismic risk to urban building stock in Turkey is gaining in importance due to very high seis... more The seismic risk to urban building stock in Turkey is gaining in importance due to very high seismic hazard combined with its vulnerable and densely populated building stock. The research oriented on the eastern part of Turkey, where seismic sources and the level of seismic hazard are different, is presented in the paper. The results of the research show that the seismic safety of civil buildings is highly compromised even in this part of the country, and that expected losses are high and attain the level of "non-tolerable" losses. Economic losses and fatalities are also estimated in the paper, in case of realization of some of the expected scenarios.
![Research paper thumbnail of Non-linear seismic soil-structure interaction analysis based on the substructure method in the time domain [Sismik Yükler Altinda Yapi-Zemin Etkileşiminin Zaman Tanim Alaninda Altsistem Yaklaşimi Çerçevesinde Analizi]](
Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences
This paper presents an idealized 2-dimensional plain strain finite element seismic soil-structure... more This paper presents an idealized 2-dimensional plain strain finite element seismic soil-structure interaction (SSI) analysis based on a substructure method by using original software developed by the authors. To investigate the effects of SSI the following types of analysis were performed: linear SSI analysis and non-linear SSI analysis. For the same structure, analysis was carried out by the procedure without the consideration of soil-structure interaction. These computations were achieved for different peak accelerations: 0.15g, 0.30g and 0.45g. In another case for a different site soil with a shear wave velocity of 200, 300 and 500 m/s, a linear SSI analysis was performed. In the analysis, the radiation condition was fully accounted for, the soil plasticity was modeled with the Von Mises failure criterion, basemat uplift was not considered, and the action of gravity was not taken into consideration.

SAÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015
Yapıların dinamik yükler etkisi altındaki davranışları, yapı dinamik parametreleri kullanılarak b... more Yapıların dinamik yükler etkisi altındaki davranışları, yapı dinamik parametreleri kullanılarak belirlenmektedir. Yapı dinamik parametreleri (doğal frekans, mod şekli ve sönüm oranı) teorik ve deneysel yöntemler kullanılarak elde edilebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada 1975 Deprem Yönetmeliğine göre tasarlanmış bir binanın dinamik parametreleri Teorik ve Deneysel Modal Analiz yöntemleri kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Deneysel Modal Analiz ile yapı dinamik parametrelerinin belirlenmesinde binadan alınan Çevrel Titreşim kayıtları ve Geliştirilmiş Frekans Tanım Alanında Ayrıştırma Yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Teorik Modal Analiz ile yapı dinamik parametrelerinin belirlenmesinde ise Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi ile oluşturulan analitik model kullanılmıştır. İki yöntem kullanılarak elde edilen yapı dinamik parametreleri karşılaştırmalı olarak sunulmuştur. Yapılan Sonlu Eleman Modeli Güncelleme çalışması ile yapının gerçek durumdaki rijitliği belirlenmiştir. Yapılan çalışma ile Çevrel Titreşim Kayıtları kullanılarak yapı dinamik parametrelerinin gerçekçi olarak elde edilebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
Journal of Earth System Science
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2016
Earthquakes and Structures, 2015
Earthquakes and Structures, 2014

Earth Sciences Research Journal, 2015
In this study, site-specific earthquake spectra for Bitlis province in Lake Van Basin has been ob... more In this study, site-specific earthquake spectra for Bitlis province in Lake Van Basin has been obtained. It is noteworthy that, in probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, as a first stage data from geological studies and records from the instrumental period were compiled to make a seismic source characterization for the study region. The probabilistic seismic hazard curves for Bitlis were developed based on selected appropriate attenuation relationships, at rock sites, with a probability of exceedance 2%, 10% and 50% in 50 year periods. The obtained results were compared with the spectral responses proposed for seismic evaluation and retrofit of the building structure in Turkish Earthquake Code, Section 2. At the end of this study, it is apprehended that the Code proposed earthquake response spectra are not sufficient for the performance evaluation of the existing structures and the current estimations show that the potential seismic hazard research of the Turkey is underestimated in the code. Therefore, site-specific design spectra for the region should be developed, which reflect the characteristics of local sites. En este estudio se obtuvieron espectros de terremoto de sitio específico para la cuenca del Lago de Van, en la provincia de Bitlis, al este de Turquía. La primera fase del trabajo consistió en una evaluación probabilística de riesgo sísmico donde se compilaron los estudios geológicos y registros del período instrumental para hacer una caracterización de fuente sísmica en la región de estudio. Las curvas de amenaza sísmica para la provincia de Bitlis se desarrollaron con base en las relaciones de atenuación apropiada seleccionadas en los sitios rocosos, con una probabilidad de exceso de 2 %, 10 % y 50 % durante 50 años. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con las respuestas de espectro propuestas para la evaluación sísmica y modernización de estructuras contempladas en el Código de Terremoto de Turquía, en la sección 2. En la parte final de este trabajo se comprende que las respuestas de espectros de terremoto propuestos en el código no son suficientes para la evaluación de desempeño de las estructuras existentes y que las estimaciones actuales muestran que la investigación de amenazas potenciales sísmicas en Turquía está subestimada en el código. Por lo tanto, el diseño de espectros de sitio específico para la región se debe desarrollar, ya que permitiría conocer las singularidades locales.
Papers by Mustafa Kutanis