Papers by Sabina Grabowska
Zagadnienia prawa konstytucyjnego. Polskie i zagraniczne rozwiązania ustrojowe. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Dariuszowi Góreckiemu w siedemdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin
Autorka artykuły omawia litewskie uregulowania instytucji odpowiedzialności konstytucyjnej prezyd... more Autorka artykuły omawia litewskie uregulowania instytucji odpowiedzialności konstytucyjnej prezydenta analizując poszczególne i wybrane artykuły z konstytucji, ustawy o Sądzie Konstytucyjnym oraz z regulaminu Seimas Litwy.
E-Wydawnictwo. Prawnicza i Ekonomiczna Biblioteka Cyfrowa. Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2015
Studia Politologiczne, 2016
Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed pape
Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Prawnicza. Prawo, 2016
Routledge eBooks, Feb 8, 2023
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the institution of a referendum is the most popul... more In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the institution of a referendum is the most popular tool of direct democracy used in the decision-making process. We can see the extension of the scope of issues that are put to the vote, in addition to traditional issues, the subject of a referendum are issues that strongly polarize public opinion and evoke significant emotions. The article presents the political practice of referendum votes in Romania. In the years 1991–2019, eight votes were held on the most important issues of public life, including the recall of the president twice Traiana Băsescu. The matters put to the vote to a large extent result from the existing conflicts in the ruling camp, between the president and the government and parliament, as well as from party rivalry and preferred issues consistent with the party’s programs and social expectations.
Studia Prawnicze / The Legal Studies
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze
Citizens’ election rights are among the most important political rights in a democratic state. Th... more Citizens’ election rights are among the most important political rights in a democratic state. The SARS-CoV–2 pandemic has brought chaos to countries and thus to their proper functioning. Therefore, the authors of the text, analysing the case of the presidential elections in 2020, put forward the thesis that the provisions regulating the rules of these elections contain significant gaps, which were revealed by the pandemic. The Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997 contains a catalogue of conditions that make it possible to elect a president under an extraordinary procedure. They all relate to a necessity to shorten the president’s term of office. However, no rules consider the likelihood of other obstacles to voting by the deadline, such as a pandemic.
Reality of Politics
According to the Polish constitutional tradition, regulations concerning the duties of man and ci... more According to the Polish constitutional tradition, regulations concerning the duties of man and citizen can be found in chapter II of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland devoted to the rights and freedoms of the Polish Constitution, specifically in Articles 82-86 inclusive. The Constitution devotes relatively little space to its duties, and the catalog indicated therein is not extensive. The purpose of articulating obligations in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland is primarily to emphasize the most important ones from the point of view of the state, society and individual. In each country, some constitutional obligations are addressed only to citizens, while others are imposed on all who are subject to the authority of a given country. The Constitution of the Republic of Poland also does so. Indicated in art. 86 the obligation to care for the state of the environment and responsibility for its deterioration is in the group of universal obligations in terms of subject, ...
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio G. Ius, 2004
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego, 2021
The article is a synthetic discussion of legal regulations on the proceedings regarding the respo... more The article is a synthetic discussion of legal regulations on the proceedings regarding the responsibility of piastunes of the highest offices in the state on the example of Austrian solutions. The authors present the understanding of constitutional responsibility not only by the Austrian legislator but also Spanish and French, who differently came up to the issue of understanding the responsibility of piastunes of the highest offices in the state.
The creation of a special body whose sole purpose is to rule on violations of the constitution or... more The creation of a special body whose sole purpose is to rule on violations of the constitution or statutes by senior state officials, including the president, is relatively rare 2. Only Greece and Poland have implemented such a solution and until recently also the French law provided such a possibility but the amendment of the Constitution in 2007 changed the legislation within that scope 3. The subject of the study is the analysis of Polish regu
Nazwa referendum sięga XVI w. i pochodzi ze Szwajcarii. Wywodzi się ona z zasady bezpośredniego s... more Nazwa referendum sięga XVI w. i pochodzi ze Szwajcarii. Wywodzi się ona z zasady bezpośredniego sprawowania władzy przez obywateli danej społeczności, która obowiązywała w dwóch kantonach Graubünden i Wallis 1. Przedstawiciele gmin wybierani na zgromadzenia federalne składali swym mandatodawcom sprawozdania i otrzymywali instrukcje. Była to pierwotna forma referendum 2 , do pewnego stopnia podobna do referendum Konfederacji przed wprowadzeniem Konstytucji 1848 r. (polecenie wzięcia ad audiendum et referendum-łac. refero-odnieść się, zwrócić się) 3. Obecnie referendum posiada wyraźnie cechy prawodawstwa ludowego i tylko nazwa świadczy o jego pochodzeniu 4. Aktualnie przez pojęcie referendum należy rozumieć możliwość wyrażenia swego stanowiska w określonej sprawie w głosowaniu przez ogół
Studia Politologiczne, 2020
Constitutional responsibility of the president, together with mechanisms of legal constitutional ... more Constitutional responsibility of the president, together with mechanisms of legal constitutional control as well as the control of legality of decisions performed by administrative organs, is a significant instrument, which serves to guarantee the rule of law. In literature it is indicated that constitutional responsibility possesses an individual character, it relies on fault, whereas the penalties have a particular character. The sole proceeding, in terms of people being held administratively liable, relies on disclosing and determining all circumstances related to committing the constitutional tort and punishment of a person who committed it. The key function of the proceedings is compensation towards justice and strengthening of legality, as well as commencement of actions of preventive dimension towards the people holding important positions within the country. The author in the article attempted to create a universal model of the constitutional responsibility of the president ...
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego, 2015
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego, 2018
The institution of a nationwide referendum has taken root in the Polish democratic system, but it... more The institution of a nationwide referendum has taken root in the Polish democratic system, but it is not often used. There may be several reasons for this condition. These include the existing representative system, which makes it possible to settle matters without recourse to the will of citizens who have chosen their representatives. Another reason is the party system-parties in power often block the possibility of holding a referendum, especially when such a proposal is made by the opposition or by citizens. The subject of the article is the analysis of cases of the use of a nationwide referendum in Poland after 1945.
Papers by Sabina Grabowska