Papers by Steven Lussenburg
The word 'empire' seems to carry these very much contradicting senses in itself. On the one hand,... more The word 'empire' seems to carry these very much contradicting senses in itself. On the one hand, it contains an idea of romanticism, adventure and cosmopolitism, yet on the other hand it is full of nationalism, racism and militarism. The Longman dictionary of English Language and Culture: "A group of countries that are all controlled by the ruler or government of one country." Interestingly enough, it uses The Roman Empire as example. The Roman Empire is one of the two empires that will directly come to mind, together with the British Empire and has been glorified and abhorred throughout the centuries. Empire thus is an essentially contested concept as both sides still try to depict it as either evil and oppressive or something that has brought unity, stability and prosperity.
Papers by Steven Lussenburg