Papers by Nickolay Parkhitko

Implementation of the Russian State Armaments Program 2011-2020: Economic and Financial Analysis, 2018
The State Armaments Programme (SAP) is a set of industrial, military, political, economic and fin... more The State Armaments Programme (SAP) is a set of industrial, military, political, economic and financial measures aimed at the increase in the country's defense capacity. The subject of economic analysis of this article is the SAP-2020 adopted in December 2010 and covers a period from 2011 to 2020 which is now at the final stage of its implementation. On studying the SAP-2020 the authors revealed such key indicators as economic viability and financial efficiency of programme implementation. A comparative analysis of budget funding of the similar US programme was conducted and statistical data supporting the main findings of the study were introduced. The authors used a wide range of methodological tools in the course of the study. The method of economic analysis, the method of structural analysis, the statistical method and the method of mathematical comparison were used.

The article is dedicated to the issue of training future specialists in interdisciplinary areas. ... more The article is dedicated to the issue of training future specialists in interdisciplinary areas. The structure of the article has been organized in accordance with the analytical task posed by the authors for this study. In the introduction, the scientific problem is revealed, the methodology of the research is provided, and the reference base is generalized. The theoretical part of the article contains analytical materials. The principles of modern highly qualified personnel training directly depend on the global trends on labor market and the practice of realizing the intellectual potential received by a specialist at university. In the article, three key aspects of relevant pedagogical practice are considered through the example of RUDN master's training. The first aspect is RUDN’s mission in the context of challenges that Russia faces today. The second aspect is the combination of competences and skills, which in the 21st century must be possessed by graduates aiming to realize themselves both creatively and career-wise. Finally, the third aspect is the adaptation of educational programs to modern conditions, which is expressed not only as branding or rating indicators of a particular institution, but primarily in the effectiveness of "integration" in the education system that meets the requirements of the current situation on the global labor market. To reinforce the findings of the study, the authors, in addition to analyzing the experience of RUDN in the field of training qualified personnel, also turn to the experience of other Russian federal universities, which is summarized in the final part.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the Anglo-American airstrike against Dresden in Februar... more The article is devoted to the analysis of the Anglo-American airstrike against Dresden in February 13 through 15 th 1945, and its consequences. Military, political and psychological aspects of the American and British highest command decision to strike the city are taken into consideration. Also, the author researches such military concepts like "bombing terror" or "carpet bombing", which were worked out in Britain and USA contemporaneously during the interwar period as well as the "firestorm technology" later tested by the Royal Air Force on Hamburg and Dresden. American Air Force has also used this "technology" during the airstrike against Tokyo in March 10 th 1945. The article offers logical arguments and the evidence of eyewitnesses, which can seriously argue the statistics adopted today as official in Germany and other countries of the EU. The author uses the historical and political methodology to verify the introduced argumentation. Also some probable inconsistencies in the research of the western colleagues are offered for an academic discussion. Considering the heavy losses suffered by the civilians, the author compares the airstrike of Dresden to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, carried out in August 1945.

Nuclear Strike Against Hiroshima and Nagasaki. War Crime, That Could Be Avoided, 2016
ИСТОРИЯ Российский университет дружбы народов. Россия, 117198, Москва, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6. В с... more ИСТОРИЯ Российский университет дружбы народов. Россия, 117198, Москва, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6. В статье проанализированы последствия атомной бомбардировки японских городов, осуществлённой Соединёнными Штатами Америки 6 и 9 августа 1945 г. Рассматриваются военный, политический и психологический аспекты, на основании которых высшим руководством США было принято решение о применении атомного оружия. Проведены логические параллели и выдвинуты альтернативные варианты как применения, так и неприменения атомного оружия в геополитической обстановке, сложившейся на завершающем этапе Второй мировой войны. Предложена новая трактовка понятия биполярности в международных отношениях с учётом «атомного фактора». Факт использования мощнейшего оружия, впервые испытанного после капитуляции Германии, но незадолго до капитуляции Японии, диалектически вписывается в предложенную ещё К. Клаузевицем концепцию политической природы силового решения острых международных проблем. Используя ряд методологических приёмов исторической и политической науки, автор подвергает применение данной концепции в августе 1945 г. критике и предлагает альтернативные сценарии, рассматривая их в исторической ретроспективе. Признавая умеренную необходимость демонстрации Соединёнными Штатами новейшего оружия в геополитических целях, автор выявляет наиболее оптимальные с военно-политической точки зрения цели для подобной демонстрации. Бомбардировка мирных городов, повлекшая за собой неоправданно высокие жертвы среди гражданского населения, рассматривается автором как военное преступление.
The article focuses on the research of the consequences of the US nuclear bombings of Japanese cities in August 6th and 9th 1945. Military, political and psychological aspects, that were crucial for American military planning at the latest stage of the Second World War are taken into consideration. Also the problems of the new reality in the global policy of that period, which made it possible to demonstrate the military power in such a destructive way, are investigated. The author offers some logical alternatives to the real circumstances of the 6thAugust 1945, including both implementing and non-implementing of the nuclear weapons. The author also offers some new conception of the bipolarity considering the «A-bomb factor» in the international relations, which was critical since August 1945 till August 1949. The very fact of the using the most destructive and powerful weapon, developed after the Germans' capitulation but before the capitulation of Japan, corresponds with the political concept, offered by K. Clausevitz in early 19th century. The approach to the problem, advocated by the German military theorist was in details researched in the article. Using some historical and political methodology, the author criticizes the realization of this concept in August 1945th and offers some alternatives in the historical retrospective. Acknowledging, on the whole, the necessity of demonstration of the newest weapon by the United States in global political aspect, the author reveals a number of targets, which seem more optimal for this goal. Bombing of peaceful cities, which caused inadmissible civil losses, is characterized by the author as military crime.
Papers by Nickolay Parkhitko
The article focuses on the research of the consequences of the US nuclear bombings of Japanese cities in August 6th and 9th 1945. Military, political and psychological aspects, that were crucial for American military planning at the latest stage of the Second World War are taken into consideration. Also the problems of the new reality in the global policy of that period, which made it possible to demonstrate the military power in such a destructive way, are investigated. The author offers some logical alternatives to the real circumstances of the 6thAugust 1945, including both implementing and non-implementing of the nuclear weapons. The author also offers some new conception of the bipolarity considering the «A-bomb factor» in the international relations, which was critical since August 1945 till August 1949. The very fact of the using the most destructive and powerful weapon, developed after the Germans' capitulation but before the capitulation of Japan, corresponds with the political concept, offered by K. Clausevitz in early 19th century. The approach to the problem, advocated by the German military theorist was in details researched in the article. Using some historical and political methodology, the author criticizes the realization of this concept in August 1945th and offers some alternatives in the historical retrospective. Acknowledging, on the whole, the necessity of demonstration of the newest weapon by the United States in global political aspect, the author reveals a number of targets, which seem more optimal for this goal. Bombing of peaceful cities, which caused inadmissible civil losses, is characterized by the author as military crime.
The article focuses on the research of the consequences of the US nuclear bombings of Japanese cities in August 6th and 9th 1945. Military, political and psychological aspects, that were crucial for American military planning at the latest stage of the Second World War are taken into consideration. Also the problems of the new reality in the global policy of that period, which made it possible to demonstrate the military power in such a destructive way, are investigated. The author offers some logical alternatives to the real circumstances of the 6thAugust 1945, including both implementing and non-implementing of the nuclear weapons. The author also offers some new conception of the bipolarity considering the «A-bomb factor» in the international relations, which was critical since August 1945 till August 1949. The very fact of the using the most destructive and powerful weapon, developed after the Germans' capitulation but before the capitulation of Japan, corresponds with the political concept, offered by K. Clausevitz in early 19th century. The approach to the problem, advocated by the German military theorist was in details researched in the article. Using some historical and political methodology, the author criticizes the realization of this concept in August 1945th and offers some alternatives in the historical retrospective. Acknowledging, on the whole, the necessity of demonstration of the newest weapon by the United States in global political aspect, the author reveals a number of targets, which seem more optimal for this goal. Bombing of peaceful cities, which caused inadmissible civil losses, is characterized by the author as military crime.