Angliyskiy Yazyk
Angliyskiy Yazyk
Angliyskiy Yazyk
Институт медиатехнологий
Направление 42.03.01 Реклама и связи с общественностью
профиль Реклама и связи с общественностью в коммерческой сфере
В современной языковой политике, в том числе в области иностранных языков,
доминирует личностно-ориентированный подход к обучению. Одним из основных
положений данного подхода является направленность на развитие личности студента как
активного субъекта учебной деятельности и всесторонняя подготовка к непрерывному
процессу образования, саморазвития и самосовершенствования в течение всей жизни.
Контрольная работа должна быть написана четким, понятным почерком, без исправлений.
На страницах работы следует оставить поля (не менее 3 см) для замечаний, объяснений и
методических указаний рецензента.
а) в тетради
Левая страница Правая страница
Поля Английский текст Русский текст Поля
б) лист формата А4 в альбомной ориентации делится пополам
Левая часть листа Правая часть листа
Поля Поля
Обязательно пишется номер задания и формулировка самого задания (см. образец). Все
упражнения сопровождаются переводом на русский язык.
Помните о том, что во время зачета или экзамена производится проверка усвоения
материала, вошедшего в контрольные работы.
Можно сообщить своему рецензенту обо всех затруднениях, возникающих у вас при
самостоятельном изучении иностранного языка: какие предложения в тексте вызывают
затруднения при выполнении и переводе, какой раздел грамматики непонятен, какие
правила, пояснения или формулировки не ясны, какие упражнения вызывают трудности и
что именно в них представляется сложным. При этом укажите название учебника или
учебного пособия, по которому вы занимаетесь, издательство, год издания, страницу
учебника, номер упражнения. Все вопросы к преподавателю высылаются на электронный
адрес кафедры технического перевода и профессиональных коммуникаций (указан на
1 Вербин А.А. Деловой иностранный язык. Учебное пособие. / А.А. Вербин, Е.С.
Марницына. – СПб.: СПГУТД, 2012. — Режим доступа:
2 Деловой английский язык [Электронный ресурс]/ — Электрон. текстовые данные.—
Пермь: Пермский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет, 2014.— 47
c.— Режим доступа:— ЭБС «IPRbooks».
3. Исмаилова М.Ю. Практикум по стилистике деловой переписки на английском языке.
Пунктуация [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие/ Исмаилова М.Ю.— Электрон.
текстовые данные.— М.: Московский гуманитарный университет, 2013.— 69 c.— Режим
доступа:— ЭБС «IPRbooks», по паролю
4 Основы теории английского языка [Электронный ресурс]: сборник упражнение для
слушателей программы дополнительного (к высшему) образования «Переводчик в сфере
профессиональной коммуникации»/ — Электрон. текстовые данные.— М.: Московский
государственный строительный университет, ЭБС АСВ, 2015.— 64 c.— Режим доступа:— ЭБС «IPRbooks», по паролю
5 Караулова И. Б.Организация самостоятельной работы обучающихся / И. Б. Караулова, Г.
И. Мелешкова, Г. А. Новоселов. – СПб.: СПГУТД, 2014. – 26 с. – Режим доступ, по паролю
6 Спицкий С. В. Эффективная аудиторная и самостоятельная работа обучающихся:
методические указания / С. В. Спицкий. — СПб.: СПбГУПТД, 2015. – Режим доступа:, по паролю
7 Mark Powell In Company 3.0 Intermediate Level Student's Book. – Macmillan, 2014.
8 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. - 6th Edition. - Pearson Education Limited,
6. Информационная система «Единое окно доступа к образовательным ресурсам»
[Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:
Основные темы для изучения лексики и развития навыков аудирования, говорения, чтения
и письменной речи.
1. Поиск работы. Объявления о вакансии с описанием должностных обязанностей.
Правила составления резюме, заявления на вакансию и сопроводительных писем.
Составление характеристики-рекомендации. Правила подготовки и поведения на
собеседовании при приеме на работу. Резюме и Характеристика-рекомендация. Черты
делового человека.
2. Деловые поездки. Заказ билетов и бронирование отеля. Представление себя. В
ресторане. Заказ столика и обеда. Виды блюд в меню. Неформальная беседа о семье,
увлечениях и родном городе.
3. Межкультурные коммуникации. Прием делегаций. Организация визита и составление
культурной программы.
4. Деловые коммуникации. Телефонные переговоры. Правила и формулы этикета. Виды
деловых документов и деловой переписки. Структура и особенности написания
различных видов деловых писем: извещение, запрос, жалоба и др. деловых писем.
Электронная почта. Внутренняя переписка: меморандум.
5. Типы деловых встреч. Правила и формулы этикета. Типы переговоров. Правила
выдвижения предложений и выражения согласия/отказа. Виды деловых совещаний.
Видеоконференции. Фразы для проведения совещаний.
6. Основные правила подготовки и проведения деловой презентации. Использование
визуальных средств. Язык мимики и жестов. Подготовка презентации компании и
продукта, выпускаемого компанией.
Привычные действия в прошлом с конструкциями used to, use to, would.
6. Модальные глаголы:
а) модальные глаголы, выражающие возможность: can (could), may и эквивалент
глагола can — to be able;
б) модальные глаголы, выражающие долженствование: must, его эквиваленты to have
to и to be to; should.
7. Согласование времен. Косвенная речь.
8. Неличные формы глагола: Participle I (Present Participle), Participle II (Past Participle) в
функциях определения и обстоятельства. Gerund - герундий, простые формы, функции,
герундиальные обороты. Виды и функции инфинитива, Инфинитивы активные,
пассивные, перфектные и продолженные, их образование, употребление.
Конструкции/обороты с инфинитивом и герундием: объектный инфинитивный оборот,
субъектный инфинитивный оборот, независимый оборот. Особенности перевода на
русский язык.
9. Простое распространенное предложение: прямой порядок слов повествовательного и
побудительного предложений в утвердительной и отрицательной формах, обратный
порядок слов вопросительного предложения. Оборот there is/are.
10. Определительные и дополнительные придаточные предложения (союзные);
придаточные обстоятельственные предложения времени и условия. Союзы условных
предложений. Условные предложения (Conditional Sentences) трех типов.
Нулевой тип (Zero Conditional) – закономерность, логика, совет.
Первый тип (First Conditional / Conditional I) – предсказание, прогноз, намерение,
обещание (в настоящем / будущем / прошлом).
Второй тип (Second Conditional /Conditional II) – маловероятное, практически
невыполнимое условие (в настоящем или будущем).
Третий тип (Third Conditional / Conditional III) – невыполнимое, нереальное условие
в прошлом.
11. Формы сослагательного наклонения (The Subjunctive Mood).
12 Эмфатические грамматические средства. Инверсия. Усилительные конструкции
(emphatic constructions). Оборот "it is… that". Усилительное и заместительное do.
13 Предлоги. Предлоги времени и места. Предлоги направления и движения.
14. Фразовые глаголы.
15. Основные случаи словообразования.
Finding permanent or summer employment is often a difficult and confusing process. However,
by becoming familiar with the recruiting schedule and process it is possible to land the perfect
job with little effort.
The first step is to compose a CV/resume. The most important information to include is relevant
professional and class experience. Large laboratory or research projects can be listed as
experience as well, especially if teamwork and problem solving were involved.
Less important but still significant is a list of skills such as computer competence and foreign
languages, as well as awards or honors. Finally, be sure to include contact information, such as
your phone number, street address, and e-mail address.
Resumes traditionally open with a purpose or objective. This is a two or three sentence overview
of your skills, qualities, hopes, and plans.
Sometimes to apply for a job, the employer will send you an application form. You should still
use a cover letter, and send your CV/resume also unless told not to. Application forms need as
much care to write as CVs/Resumes.
Plan everything you will say on a separate piece of paper. Only complete the real form when you
are exactly sure what is the best thing to say. Follow the directions and keep the form neat.
3 I don’t like to pay _________________________ when I order something. I prefer to pay
when I receive the product.
4 My new car has _________________________. If it stops working, the manufacturer
will repair or replace it.
5 I borrowed money to buy my car, but I had one year _________________________.
Dear Paul
I’m in the New York office this week. Last week, I ___was___ in Germany and the
Netherlands. I (26)__________ a very good meeting with John Stanson in Munich. I
(27)__________ the factory and (28)__________ some suppliers. I (29)__________ to the
Netherlands on Thursday. Dan Lambert (30)__________ me some samples of his products.
See you next week.
Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on
an international flight when he decided to open a hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an
idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane.
Now travellers in some of Britain’s airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are
very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient. They are in the airport, so
travellers who want only a night’s sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time.
Woodroffe calls his hotel “Yotel”.
Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that
has a couch. Press a button, and the couch changes to a bed.
The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in
city centres.
12. Отметьте, какие утверждения правдивые (T), а какие ложные (F). Переведите
утверждения на русский язык.
41 Woodroffe had an idea when he was sleeping in an airport._____
42 He decided to open a hotel with very small rooms. _____
43 His first hotels were in the United States. _____
44 The rooms cost a lot of money. _____
45 An important feature of the Yotel is convenience. _____
To: [email protected]
Subject: Room booking
Dear Manager
I want to book a room at your hotel.
Many thanks.
Yours sincerely
Often companies will require a cover letter along with a CV/resume. The letter should
demonstrate an understanding of what the company does and why you would be an asset to it.
Indicate how you heard about the company and that you are seeking an interview. This is a
chance to stand out from the many CVs/resumes that the company is undoubtedly receiving, so
be sure to emphasize why you stand out.
Effective cover letter explains the reasons for your interest in the organization and identifies your
most relevant skills or experiences. They should express a high level of interest and knowledge
about the position you are applying for.
Ask yourself, "Why do I want to work for this organization?" Newspaper stories or magazines
article may be available at the local library. The employer may be in the yellow pages or
advertise over the radio or local television. When we can speak intelligently about a place of
business, we have given that employer respect. By focusing on the employer, we are displaying
interest in the needs of the company.
In addition, the purpose of the cover letter is to make sure that the CV/resume arrives on the desk
of the correct person. Take the trouble to telephone, and find the name of the person who will be
dealing with applications or CVs/resumes, and address your letter, and envelope, to that person
by name.
Maxine wants to reach the top in her career. She is very good at making things work. She is
never late for meetings or appointments.
Bob likes doing things for other people and always does what he promises to do. He has a lot of
ideas. He likes to spend time with colleagues and customers.
Latimer is usually calm and spends a lot of time doing a good job. He also encourages other
people to work well.
Maxine is (1) a_______________, (2) e_______________ and (3) p_______________.
Bob is (4) h_______________ and (5) r_______________ .He is also (6) c_____________ and
(7) s_______________ .
4. Найдите соответствие словам (11–15) словам или фразам (a–f). Переведите слова
на русский язык.
11 manufacture _____
12 export _____
13 launch _____
14 employ _____
15 provide _____
7. Выберите подходящую фразу (a–f), чтобы закончить предложения (29–33).
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
Например: She often calls d) Moscow.
29 He works _____
30 It normally takes _____
31 He’s working _____
32 She’s dealing with _____
33 This delivery is taking _____
a) at home today.
b) a lot longer than usual.
c) at home every day.
d) Moscow.
e) a customer in Moscow right now.
f) about six weeks to fill an order.
Recent research shows that most professionals around the world think that internet video
conferencing – using an “internet video phone” to see and talk with other people around the
world – is very useful. They also think that video conferences can replace business travel for
face-to-face meetings.
Nearly 1,000 top executives in many countries were interviewed. About 900 of them agreed that
video conferencing, e-mail and instant messaging help make them competitive. Video
conferencing saves time, because professionals do not need to travel for meetings. In addition,
travelling abroad can be very tiring for business people, but video conferencing is easy. It also
saves money on air tickets and hotels. In the past, video conferencing was very expensive. Now
you need only an inexpensive camera that connects to your computer, and a low-cost internet
video service like Yahoo. Finally, reducing air travel is good for the environment.
Mobile phone makers like Samsung, Nokia and Sony Ericsson are introducing mobile phones
with video conferencing features, so video conferencing will soon be even easier.
journey takes about 25 minutes)
EurFlot flies to Vnukovo Airport, which is 100 kilometres from the city centre (need to take
express train, about €15 return, but the journey is more than an hour).
Since we cannot hide our energy, it would be well not to seek opportunities when we are
depressed or feeling ill. Smile because happy people get hired faster. Basically, the object is to
be yourself. Most employers prefer people who are open, honest and speak straight across,
It is not necessarily the person with the most skills who gets hired. It is a person who the
employer likes and believes will fit into the organization. Success in establishing comfort
naturally increases with additional visits. The impression is dependent upon how we look, how
we feel and also, how we act.
During the interview, be sure to dress appropriately, make eye contact, and greet the recruiter
with a firm handshake. Answer the questions posed concisely and with a degree of modesty.
Come prepared with questions about the company itself. Do research in advance on the corporate
web site so that job descriptions and company projects are familiar.
Be able to briefly talk about your education, experience and abilities in relationship to the job for
which you are applying. Be ready to discuss what you have learned about the company that has
motivated you to apply for the job. Practice means saying the words out loud, not to memorize,
rather just to have experience saying the words. Thinking about what you will say is not the
same as saying what you will say.
3. Найдите соответствия словам (1–6) из слов или фраз (a–g). Переведите на русский
1 browse_____
2 display_____
3 carry out _____
4 credit _____
5 debit _____
6 verify _____
a) take money out of
b) look for information
c) check
d) show
e) pay money into
f) fulfil
g) deny
Dear Mike,
(have) to go.
10. Определите функцию (a–f) каждого предложения (41–45). Переведите на русский
язык. Например: What time is good for you? a) Asking
41 My flight was late. _____
42 What day suits you? _____
43 Sorry I didn’t make it. _____
44 I’m afraid I can’t make 2:00. _____
45 I can do Friday. _____
a) Asking
b) Agreeing
c) Declining
d) Apologizing
e) Giving an excuse
There are big cultural differences between North American business people and business people
in Europe and Asia when it comes to using the telephone and e-mail.
North Americans like e-mail more than they like the telephone. E-mail is a “one-way” message.
You can write an e-mail at any time. The person who receives the e-mail can read it later. This is
Another cultural difference is voice mail. American executives will leave a message on voice
mail if there is no reply. European executives, on the other hand, prefer two-way
communication, such a phone call or face-to-face meeting. They don’t like to use voicemail.
They prefer to call back later, when they can have a conversation. And professionals in the Asia-
Pacific region dislike one-way communication even more than the Europeans do.
What about telecommuting (working from home, but doing business by phone and e-mail)? Half
of North American business people say they like working alone. Telecommuting is very
common there. 59% of American business people telecommute a least once a month. Less than
30% of European workers do. They prefer to be in the office, working with their colleagues face
to face.
So be careful. If you’re working with people from other countries, try to understand their
feelings about different types of communication.
From the Financial Times
a) in the office b) alone c) in Europe
53 More than half of . business people telecommute every month.
a) American b) Asian c) European
8:45 a.m. British team arrives at airport Who’s going to meet them? – Edith
9:45 a.m. Coffee and informal talk Who should come? – the sales team
10:15 a.m. Meeting Who should lead the meeting? – Eric
12:45 p.m. Lunch Company restaurant or local Italian restaurant? –
company restaurant
afternoon Factory tour Who will lead tour? – Jason
4:00 p.m. Question and answer time and coffee Who will lead this? – Anna
5:00 p.m. Polish team go to hotel Who will go with them? – Edith
Dear team
In our meeting earlier today, we discussed the programme for the visit and agreed the
Edith .
Some interviewers like to use a rather sneaky tactic called 'stress questions'. These bizarre
queries are usually designed to confuse and fluster you. The point of these is to test your sense of
humour and see how you react under pressure. Often, what you answer is less important than
keeping calm and composed.
Always remember that you are in control of everything you say, so don't merely answer
questions; respond to them in a way that allows you to prove your suitability for the position.
Bottom line, employers want people who will come to work on time, every day they are
scheduled, who can get along with the other employees and are willing to do the job the way the
employer wants it done. New employees must learn the rules of the organization and how to get
along with the other employees. Every job is hardest at the beginning and gets easier with
experience. Saying something like, "I know I can learn your method of operation," tells an
employer you have faith in your ability to learn the way the employer wants it done.
After an interview, it is advantageous to send the recruiter a thank-you note. This helps establish
a relationship with the recruiter, shows interest in the position, and indicates personal
responsibility. The first interview may be followed up with second rounds on-site or over the
3. Пометьте следующие слова из списка буквой ‘C’, если это название страны, и ‘N’,
если это название национальности. Переведите их на русский язык.
Например: German __N__
1 Greek _____
2 Dutch _____
3 Russia _____
4 Turkish _____
5 France _____
6 China _____
7 Spanish _____
8 Japanese _____
9 Swedish _____
10 Denmark _____
11 the Netherlands _____
12 Danish _____
6. Заполните пропуски глаголами have, haven’t, hasn’t или got. Переведите на
русский язык.
A ________ you (21)__________ any meetings today, Jake?
B No, I (22)__________. (23)__________ you?
A Yes. Three.
A I’ve (24)__________ a problem with my new office.
B What’s the problem?
A It (25)__________ got internet access.
8. Заполните пропуски предлогами in, on, at, from или to. Переведите на русский язык.
Clara Furse is not a big woman, but she has a big job:. It is one of the biggest exchanges in the
world – $504 billion in shares is traded every day. That’s more than Tokyo’s And New York’s
exchanges put together! And Furse is the first woman chief executive of the exchange.
The London Stock Exchange is also one of the oldest exchanges in the world and is an important
part of the British economy. But Furse is Canadian – she was born in Canada and her parents are
Dutch. She speaks English, Dutch, French, Spanish and German – all fluently.
Furse is a graduate of the London School of Economics. She began her working career in 1979
as a broker. Between 1979 and 1999, she worked for several companies, moving up from broker
to director, then managing director. In 1998, Furse became group chief executive at Credit
Lyonnais Rouse, and then began her job at the London Stock Exchange in 2000. Fortune
magazine says she is one of the 50 most powerful businesswomen outside of the US.
Though she is very busy at work, her private life is very important to her. When she isn’t
working, she spends a lot of time with her three children.
Adapted from the Financial Times
14 Опишите свой обычный рабочий день. Укажите, что Вам нравится или не
нравится делать (50 слов)
On weekdays I usually get up at .
Writing a business letter takes planning. First of all, you must analyze your audience and
determine your purpose. Whatever the aim, create your letter from these goals. Then you need to
gather information, create an outline, write a draft, and revise it.
It is not easy to write business letters, because you have to get your reader’s attention. Getting
the reader's attention is a tough job. If your letter is long-winded, pompous, or says nothing of
interest, you'll lose the reader.
Capture your reader's attention with a hard-hitting lead paragraph. Then, hook the reader's
interest: the hook is often a clear statement of the reader's problems, needs, or wants. For
example, if you are writing to a customer who received damaged goods, acknowledge the
problem and then offer a solution.
If your letter is an offer of something (a service, a product, or a contract), state the features and
the benefits of your offer in plain, simple English. Give the reader reasons why he or she should
buy your product or sign the contract.
When writing a business letter, you should follow the format of a standard business letter. The
typical business letter usually consists of about six essential parts: the heading (and the date), the
inside address, the salutation or greeting, the body of the letter, the complimentary close, and the
receptionists often (2) _______________ (not / smile). The survey concludes that ‘the typical
customer (3) _______________ (want) a receptionist to be efficient and friendly’. As one
business person said: ‘After a long trip it makes all the difference if you meet a happy face.’
Now, as a result of the survey, many companies (4) _______________ (re-train) their
receptionists. One training manager said: ‘At the moment, I (5) _______________ (organise)
customer service courses for all receptionists.’ But the survey also says that everyone in the
company (6) _______________ (need) to have the skills of the friendly receptionist.
Dear Mr Clark
Dear Richard
a I’m just writing to confirm my visit on
b and estimates? What size? How many? Please contact me if
c Friday. Could you give me more details about the brochure?
d Friday 16th at 10am. I’ll bring the samples for the manual
e you have any other questions.
f you want me to visit.
g Thanks for calling me last
h and estimates for print runs. Please contact me if
A: Well, quite similar really. I’m a sales manager for a large Dutch clothing firm, Verweij
Fashion – do you know it?
B: Yes, of course. Are you opening a store here, then?
A: Yes, we’re looking at possible sites at the moment.
B: Hm. That can be a slow process. Richard, do you fancy something to drink?
A: Erm, yeah, thanks.
B: Come on, then. There’s a table free over there.
(1) ____________, but according to a German expert it is lazy people who lead longer and
healthier lives. Professor Peter Axt recommends avoiding strenuous activity like aerobics or
working out in a gym. ‘People who prefer to laze in a hammock instead of running a marathon or
who take a midday nap instead of playing squash have a better chance of living into old age,’
says this scientist. (2)_____________.
He cowrote On the Joy of Laziness with his daughter, (3)___________. In the book he advises
people to ‘waste half your time. (4)____________.’ Those who get up early in the morning
usually feel stressed for the rest of the day, so his advice is to take it easy.
However, Professor Axt stresses that laziness is only one of the keys to a longer life. In fact,
(5)_____________. He argues that if you are too fat, you need more energy to maintain body
functions, and is in favour of moderate exercise like ‘meditative’ jogging or brisk walks to ‘relax
body and spirit at the same time’.
On the other hand, (6)______________ , especially for middle-aged people who should be
particularly careful about doing too much sport. Professor Axt believes we have only a limited
amount of energy, and people who use up their supply more quickly live shorter lives. ‘Research
shows that people who run distances into their 50s are using up energy they need for other
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